Lali walked into the temple with her father and Tier shortly after the woman with the wolf. She had been hoping that she would be the first one so that she could do at least a little cleaning, but her father had delayed them long enough that she was now the last to show up. The first thing the group noticed was the pigeon dancing around a monitor lizard, and the wolf with it's paw on the lizard's head. Lala and her father couldn't help but laugh at the sight, but Tier just wanted to join in on the fun. So, the wildcat started playfully stalking the pigeons. Lala said goodbye to her father, and walked over to where the others were standing. She recognized the paladin as having been at the temple on business a few times, but she didn't know any of the others. She smiled to the woman that had come in with the wolf. [color=9999cc]"You have a beautiful wolf, and I love her name."[/color]