The steps came naturally to Tatsumi. He slashed diagonally, the monster ducking the blow then skirting out of reach. Tatsumi knew he had to assert himself and pressed the attack, lunging forward with an overhead blow. The creature barely blocked, and Tatsumi pulled away momentarily, keeping up the pressure with another blow from the side. Another block, but Tatsumi kept going, this time he sent a sudden kick towards the creatures knee, catching it off guard and sending it to its knees. Tatsumi unleashed a series of overhead strikes to beat the beast down, but it managed to raise its sword and defend against the assault. Tatsumi delivered another kick, aiming for the creature's chest, sending it sprawling onto the ground. Tatsumi went for the finishing blow, stabbing downwards towards the beast's stomach. Tatsumi himself was surprised by his aptitude with the sword. He was momentarily surprised, but than recalled the battle with wooden swords once again. He had experiencing fighting like this. Except this time if he made a mistake he would die.