EDWARD As Edward made his daily scratch hung to measure the time for how long he had been in this Hell-Hole, a Guard walked up to his cell, and despite the glass shielding around his face you could tell he was interested. "Inmate number 339-273, stop the cutting immediately, or you'll be escorted to the Vet's Office," he ordered and made for his side-arm. The Vet's Office was code for the prison infirmary, which did nothing more than strapping patients down on cold metal tables and either pumping them full of drugs, putting sub-dermal tracking devices into their bodies, or doing autopsies... NICHOLAS AND JOSEPH There were two guards assigned to keep watch over the Oregonian and Brit due to their strength and ability to fly. In Processing, the sweeping camera on the elevator that every inmate took on the way down, these two were given a higher than normal probability rate for an escape attempt. Emphasis on attempt though. NATHAN AND ISABEL When Nathan began playing class clown and whizzing on the cold, hard prison floor, a Guard with a stun baton approached the cell. Specifically the guard that Nathan had called 'Chuckles'. "Inmate number 628-426, you think you're funny? You think you're some kind of Adam Sandler pissing on my floor? Well guess what I am," he said and slammed the stun baton against the metal bars that Nathan had pressed up against, sending a magnified electrical current through his already malnourished body, thus making him even weaker. "Guess who's having a nice helping of floor cleaning duty for breakfast this morning?" CHRIS AND ERIS As Chris and Eris assessed their health and acknowledged their present situations. The one guard assigned to watch over their cell put a finger to his ear, as if receiving a new set of orders and nodded. He approached the bars and spoke in a disgruntled tone, "Inmate number 247-47, approach the cell entrance immediately," MIKA AND WALT "If those mothers did anything more than beat you, I'd have their heads on my breakfast trays," Chris said as he helped look Mika over, "aside from the bruising, is everything else ok?" He asked her, then in a fit of anger he approached the bars. "You mother lovers have some explaining to do!" He yelled out, "do any of you know who I am? I'm Walter Ashmore! And I demand to speak to whoever's in charge!" He yelled to any guard who would listen, and summoned as much strength as he could to pry the bars apart, but somehow his enhanced strength was on the fritz. Then he realized the problem, the clunky grey wrist band on his arm. He was never one for jewelery, so they had put this on him. He glanced over at Mika and saw that she too wore a wrist band. "Oh poop," he said, while outside his cell a group of guards unassigned to a certain cell started to make their way to theirs. LATER- 0830 Then the Alpha came back on the speaker, "change of plans, newbies. Your breakfast time will be held with everyone else in the Doghouse, well, everyone who isn't named Walter Ashmore. Looks like we got ourselves a celebrity in the building," he mocked Walter. All down the Newbie Cellblock, the cell bars were activated and slid away slowly. The guards stationed withdrew their heavy weaponry that resembled high powered machine guns. The guards unassigned reached Walter's cell and the guy in front slammed an armored fist into the back of his head, "that's for my buddies at the hospital," he spat down on Walter's chest.