[color=00a651]"You think I know nothing yet you haven't even been here for a single day. I've been here for what feels like centuries. In that time, I've seen more than you could ever imagine."[/color] Leo put the girl in her place and prepared to take his leave, but when he turned away she quickly jumped in front of him and grabbed ahold of his hand. [color=00a651]"You know what? I like your determination. You're literally shaking in your boots yet you managed to muster the courage to speak your mind. That's the kind of attitude that will get you somewhere in life. Do you really want to know what's out there? It's just as I said. Nothing. There is nothing out there besides suffering and pain. I have traveled for hundreds of miles in every direction. This is just the eye of the storm. The further out you go, the worse it gets. If you don't believe me then you are more than welcome to accompany me on my journey. It's been a while since I've talked to someone besides myself."[/color] Under his mask, Leo's face wore an unnaturally twisted smile. If you could see it you would you would think he was in excruciating pain. [color=00a651]"My name is Leo. Don't ask for my last name because I can't remember it."[/color] Without letting go of her hand, Leo turned towards the city gates and began to drag Macey behind him like she was a piece of luggage. If it wasn't for the random villager who approached the two they would have left without ever turning back. [color=00a651]"You see that Macey? Even the village people mistake you for one of their own. You should really do something about the way you look..... As for you big fellow. Why don't you take a nap?"[/color] Reaching into his pocket Leo grabbed a small vial and held it under the man's nose. Immediately after smelling the what was in the vial the man collapsed. After a few seconds, he began to snore rather loudly. [color=00a651]"Now let's go see what this commotion at town hall is all about."[/color] When Leo reached the town center he was greeted by far more than he had expected. On one side of the fight was a group of fresh hunters. On the other side was a group of beast men. [color=00a651]"That's enough fighting for today" Leo chimed in. "Didn't anyone tell you I was the only one around here who could disturb the peace?"[/color] Leo then suddenly tossed a strange canister in between the two groups. After a few seconds, it began to release a thick cloud of mysterious green gas. [color=00a651]"Unless you want to be blind for the next few days I'd recommend getting out of the gas."[/color]