"Be thankful to my master, Lancer." Saber said s she dismissed the glinting sword back to the aether. She still faced Lancer with imperial composure, a steely gaze that would put even that womanizer Astolfo back in his place when he started to get too cozy with Saber, stared up at the tall, buxom woman as the petite knight said "I, Charlotte, who once ruled this land under the name of Charlemagne, swear that my blade shall be the one to strike down your spears once we cross paths again." Saber then turned her back to Lancer and started to walk away along with her Masters, just to turn and address Darryl before leaving "Caster's Master, you seem like the only one here worthy of proposing an alliance to. Once my Masters have settled their workshop, come discuss the terms, of you're interested." Despite her royal bearing in the presence of others, once Saber was alone with her Masters, she couldn't help but puff her cheeks and pout "Why you did that, Master? That vixen molested me and insulted both of you and still you allow her to walk away like that?" Behaving every sliver like the little girl that she looked like. .[@OldManWong][@SlamJamcity][@Turboshitter][@LokiLeo789]