Alina quietly followed as they moved through Mainstreet, herself watching the various townsfolk and carriages passing by. Though a part of her still worried slightly for how far they would be traveling, the weight of the small golden candelabra around her neck reminded her that she was perhaps safer with this small party than anywhere else she could be at the moment. Holding a hand to her chest, she covered the necklace Feuertanz had given her as, though realizing more and more she greatly appreciated it, she didn't want someone noticing how out of place it was on her and possibly causing them trouble for it. Letting her mind wander throughout the quiet moments of the walk, her thoughts jumped from point to point on things around her. With her focus inevitably and repeatedly falling onto some small notable detail on one of her companions trinkets or outfits for an extended period of time, until she eventually catches herself and forces her attention onto something else.