[quote=@LegendBegins] Each was multiple hours, but the minor one was only about one. They were longer than an hour, but what you describe is part of why I believe it to be an attack. It seemed like the server was overloaded with requests, so few got through. [/quote] Can I add a bit from my own experience? If the downtimes mentioned are the same occurrence as what I saw then this bit might help: I was able to load the PMs page, but I would get a bad connection error when I would try to view a PM... something like 502 Bad Gateway... I don't recall. I could load the Index page and Users page fine however. ---------- All this mention of coding is starting to fire up my impulsive coding soul. Now I'm restless and want to code some random stuff just for the fun of it. My heart's racing now just thinking about it... An Excel spreadsheet maybe (yey macros)? But I do have other priorities like documentation... Haaalp! I can't think straight anymore! =o