Sinthe finished the job on the dog that he had beaten senseless, grabbed the dog monster by it's muzzle and the back of it's head with both hands and quickly snapped it's neck with a loud popping sound, he stood up and noticed the others attacking the rest of the dog monsters with their weapons and magic."[color=lightgreen]Magic and Weapons.[/color]" Sinthe shook his head before crossing his arms and keeping his eyes on the action, when he saw Tastumi stab the beast in the gut he shook his head."[color=lightgreen]Don't aim for the gut, aim higher, stab your enemies in the chest or cut their heads off.[/color]" Sinthe told Tastumi. Before they could take down the rest of the dogsmorphs, there was a burst of green gas that filled the air, Sinthe covered his mouth with his bandaged forearm."[Color=lightgreen]Get out of the cloud of gas ![/color]" He yelled Tastumi and Akemi, he grabbed both of them and began running out of the cloud of gas and towards the guy that threw the gas bomb, when he had Tastumi and Akemi out of the cloud he let go of them and looked at Leo."[color=lightgreen]Did you throw the gas bomb ?[/color]" Sinthe asked, he didn't sound threatening or angry but sounded curious.