She blushed at his words as she worked and smiled. She had never had to heal someone who did not know how to heal himself. She was only ever there to help accelerate the process “How are you feeling?” she asked as he folded his wings hoping they were healing well. She was trying to make the wounded wing the mirror image of his undamaged wing. It was hard considering that this was her first time having to heal a wing like his. “How do you feel?” she asked gently as she removed her aura from his and watched the fatigue settle into him. He shrugged and winced and she winced too as her aura mimicked his aura in feeling. “Hey, so maybe, if you’d liked, we could practice your healing abilities. I’m sure you’d like to be able to do this on your own and have probably grown tired of having a nurse.” Zayden shook his head and shuddered as Isaura seemed to be rubbing his wings with gentle fingers. Realizing what she was doing, she dropped her hand and blushed. She mumbled a soft sorry and ran, disappearing before he had the chance to respond.