Fredas, 22nd of Last Seed My depravity has reached an all-time high; I have been jailed caused by actions involving the thieves guild and an attempted infiltration of their ranks. My leads involving Sibbi came to a standstill due to the fact that I couldn’t access Riften’s prison. With little influence and even less gold, I’d have to postpone our little chat. It was almost ironic when I was caught picking the lock to a merchants booth and thrown in a cell right across from the Black-Briar heir, and it was frustrating knowing that I couldn’t do much in the way of getting answers from him lest I be gutted by the guards. So I served my time and crawled back to Brynjolf once I was released, and he surprisingly let me join the guild still. Now I’ve been tasked to extort gold from some of the local shopkeepers, and my conscious wavers at the very thought. But if that’s what it takes to get to the bottom of this, then I’ll gladly sully my hands to clean the city.