[img] http://images7.alphacoders.com/305/305905.jpg[/img] [b] Union City, The last hope for Survivors of this plague to get off the mainland. Step one, get to Union, Step Two, get to the stadium, Step Three, Let the Military and H.E.R.C. escort you to safety from their. Union has Fallen, The Stadium is overrun, The only way out is gone, The roads are blocked, there are no boats, there are no planes, there are no Helicopters. For anyone left inside, your only way out is to walk. What was once a safe Haven from the dead, is now just a meat grinder for anyone who stumbles onto it. The longer you stay, the more likely you are to get killed... or worse. Your job as the United States 101st was to defend Union stadium, After it fell and all of its population came to kill you, you are stuck on foot. You must learn to survive in climates that no basic training prepared you for. Your only chance is to trust you brothers in arms, But even then, who can you trust? Are they in it for themselves? Do they trust you? So what if all you need to worry about is that they are alive long enough for you to get out alive. Your current job is now to get out alive. Shouldn't be too hard, you have air support, you have trucks, tanks, you even have some boats just in case. Hell even if somehow all that goes wrong you have an army, and the Civs will help you right? Then you have those H.E.R.C. guys! SO odd must be in your favor, just have to know how to use them. Well now all of that is gone, All forms of transportation is gone, The boats were destroyed, the roads are blocked so thick that walking would be a pain, The Civs are pissed at you for not holding Union City, and H.E.R.C. is going to do everything possible to make sure the infection does not leave the city. If you have not already guessed, this game is based just after the online game, The Last Stand: Union City. Great online game, this RP will also make much more sense if you play it. You don't have to and it should work out, but it would fill any gaps I have missed. In this RP you will be one of the US Soldiers who were assigned to help protect the refugees of Union City in its stadium. Though after its fall there are still people inside the City. Your command structure is gone, The stadium is gone, Everyone is gone!... Except your team, a handfull of the 101st Airborn have survived, now they must fight to get out of the city alive, and get back to there families in hopes that they are still alive. These soldiers will have many conflicts across the way: -The Undead: *They will try to Gut you *They will try to eat you *They may gut you or eat you *They may bite you -Lack of supplies, This will include: *Bullets *Medicine *Firearms (But then again it's Union City) -People: *Civilians (Both Friendly and Bandits) *And H.E.R.C. (Homeland Environmental Risk Control) -Each other: *Rationing issues *Disagreements on choices/actions *Traitors within *You may have to decide what to do with someone that is a risk to your team mates Sorry if the description is a bit long, or repetitive, It was written in like three different parts. Now this RP is going to end one of Three ways, One, We all die, Two, Someone Makes it out alive! Or three, it ends because everyone got inactive. SO if this gets going, Lets hope one and Two, I don't care because I am a fan of story, Good endings or bad. Characters: Prepare to put your characters through hell, By this I mean expect that there is a high chance that your characters will not survive. Not sure how long this RP will last, but once we either all die, or someone escapes, the RP will end. What too consider is, if your character is over powered in a situation that can not be reasonable, I will do everything in my power to give that character a painful death. Now if the situations calls for it then by all means! Go super bad ass! Though this will probably mean someone is going to die still. [/b] Note, This RP is intended to kill you all in some way, SO be careful if you decide to be the one guy with the radio. Just think, if this person dies, how badly will it effect the others? Rules! Yes there are going to be some rules. 1: My word is Final, If there is an issue I am more then willing to listen too it and attempt to find the best way to figure it out. 2: Don't be a jerk in the OOC. But if you have an issue with someone we can be civil and sort it out. 3: Please put your post in the appropriate sections, OOC in OOC, IC in IC, And please keep just character sheets in the character section. 4: Characters. If I think you put your character in a situation where they could not realistically make it out alive, I will let you know that your character may have to be killed off, if you can make a valid argument otherwise feel free, but if I am still saying your character is going to have to die be ready. (Note, I will not be planning on doing this much, but if your character goes in with a pocket knife against a horde of undead, expect the message) 5: Have fun, That is the whole reason we have this RP here. TO kick ass, and for a good story. That's all for now. [hider=Approved Characters.] 1. Horus McAllen. 2. Edoric Thatch. 3. Carter Schmidt. 4. Brandon. [/hider] [hider=Character sheet] 1.Name 2.Age 3.Gender 4.physical appearance 5.Weapons (civil or military, no super powerful weapons such as a machine gun or a bazooka.) 6.Gear (simple. Maybe a compass a map, but not 3 grenades or such!) 7.Personality 8.Background story. [/hider]