Happy that everything was in order he looked at the drop Pelican that would be transporting them. Outfitted for high orbit drops it had many pods strapped to the sides and was almost twice the size of a regular pelican, built to drop them in then zoom out. Looking at it he remembered how much he hated Halo dropping. The gut wrenching G force and of course the crashing, that was his least favourite part of it. As he was imaging the idea of plummeting to his death the Counselor walked in, as several of the engineers stopped to salute. [b]"Good evening Agent Washington. How are you today? Ah. Gearing up for the mission then I see."[/b] Washington turned to The Counselor he wasn't a person to salute a superior, not after what he had seen in the war against the flood. Washington didn't like this man, something about the Counselor was off. He just couldn't place his finger on it. [b]"Good Evening to you too Counselor. I'm doing okay, not looking forward to the Halo drop. Never did trust these buckets of metal we're dropped from the sky in.[/b] The counselor chuckled lightly, looking down at his PDA he tapped it a few times before replying. [b]"We've had some reports that your A.I. may be malfunctioning. Have you noticed anything irregular about it?"[/b] Washington Said yes but what came out was. [b]"No sir, nothing Irregular at all."[/b] [b]"Okay then, we'll keep an eye on you just in case. These A.I.s are experimental, so they may be a little buggy. It's best we squash these bugs before they become a problem."[/b] The counselor walked away and out of the shuttle bay. Washington was a loss for words. [b]"Epsilon, What the fuck did you just do?"[/b] Epsilon appeared looking sheepish. [i]"I'm sorry Wash, I didn't want you to tell him I might be faulty, he'll rip me out of your skull and lock me away again. I don't think I could deal with being alone with it again."[/i] Epsilons voice was full of terror now and Washington was getting quite concerned. [b]"Easy there Epsilon. What do you mean by alone with it? With the other A.I.s? But, you're all separated so why does it matter?"[/b] Epsilons voice cut out and was replaced by thousands of different voice speaking in unison. [i]"I am the Alpha I am who was, I am what was destroyed in pain and suffering I was the First."[/i] Now it was Washington's turn to be afraid. The voices cut out leaving the sound of a woman crying in his head. [b]"Umm, Epsilon? You alright?"[/b] The crying faded out replaced with Epsilon's voice [i]"Yes, why do you ask? Come on Wash, it's almost time for the mission to start. Are drones we that were sent out have submitted a report of the current location of the enemy. Beth is there she is currently guarding the permitter a long with a couple of dozen rebels. However due to the lining of the Reactor room the drone is having trouble telling who else maybe inside the building."[/i] Washington was worried for his own safety now, Epsilon was having some major malfunctions and there wasn't a damn thing he could do. Pushing it aside he would confront this issue after the mission. Opening up the coms he radioed all agents heading out on the mission. [b]"This is Agent Washington to all Agents. The mission is a-go please make your way to the shuttle bay and prepare to leave."[/b] Once everyone was here and on the Pelican they headed out. Epsilons words played on his minds the entire journey up to the moment the drop pods were launched. [b]"Great I love this part."[/b] The pod slammed into the ground the door blowing off allowing Washington to exit. He and Virginia had been dropped further away than the distraction squad. [b]"Alright, distraction Squad go make some noise you're free to open a can of hurt on them. Georgia keep an eye on the enemy, looks from here like they may have some Rocket launchers. Okay Virginia we're moving in cautiously and quickly, no noise."[/b] As Washington's squad moved into the facility they met little resistance with only a few guards in there way. [b]"This is strange where the hell is everyone? You would think that this place would be guarded by the best of the best unless this is a trap. But why go to all that trouble?"[/b]