Name: Edoric Thatch Age: 29 [hider=Physical Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Equipment & Gear [list][*]Nail Board [*]Death Adder [*]Homemade Body armor (Baking sheets with cloth padding under it) [*]Food in the way of two cans, a bag of chips and some water/soda cans [*]Hammer and Wrench with some nails/nuts and bolts [*]Bullets for both his gun and a mysterious unknown caliber [/list] Personality: Edoric is a very creative man, his friends will say he as "the power to create everything from nothing". If you ever see a piece of jury-rigged engineering that works wonderfully well, there's a good chance Edoric was behind it. And now, thanks to the zombies, he gets to explore a more [i]devious[/i] side of his imagination. While he is good natured, you can't help but feel like there's something off about him. You have a creeping suspicion that'd he'll do something bad but his actions say otherwise and he shows no evidence to support the claim. He has however, adapted a sort of looter-ideology, and willing to smash down a building if it some how helps. Bio: Edoric grew up the second oldest in a family of three with an older brother and a younger sister. He had a pretty normal childhood until he was a teenager and he fell in the wrong group of people. He had got himself arrested at the age of 14 for trying to set off a homemade firebomb in school and once more in high school for bring all manner of homemade weapons for his "friends". This along with a slew of other minor charges including drug dealing, gang violence (which would cost him an eye), assault and battery and several others left him a permeant stain on his record. What was even more amazing about his record though was how he managed to escape jail. Both times he was arrested, he managed to escape with nothing but what he had in his pockets and the meal tray he was given. In his would-be senior year (he had dropped out due to bad grades), he crossed the line a bit too far and ended up being sentenced to a decade in jail. Edoric however, would be saved by a generous businessman who was interested his is abilities and bailed him out and gave him the chance to work at Union City Waterworks. Edoric graciously took the offer and began to change his life around. Nearly 10 years later, his abilities earn him a position of Chief Engineer and he seemed to be a completely different person. The tales of his misdeeds in his youth however still plagued his legacy, not that he seems to care much about it.