[hider=APPEARANCE] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/70/b4/ce/70b4ce7198cd2d643b6d43cb0598b83b.jpg[/img] [/hider] *DONT MIND THE BAZOOKA AT HIS BACK. OR THE CHINESE FLAG ON HIS RIGHT ARM^ Name:Greg white AGE:32 GENDER:Male WEAPONS: A 9mm Handgun, A military M16. His personal crimson combat knife and a machete. GEAR: Gas mask, compass, a map of union city, a small first aid kit. Rations. BACKGROUND: Greg was born and raised in union city, he lived there his entire life. With no siblings he was his mother and father's only son. His father working in the law force and his mother in the medical field. Greg never thought he would be in the law force or even in the military! He was kind and peaceful in his youth, until one day his father was murdered in the field by a couple of mobsters. He was working on a dangerous case. He was close to unraveling the mob secret hideout. He got to close and was shot dead. When word reached the family, something snapped in Greg. He shed not one tear. He was angry, mad, devastated. He knew then what he would do the rest of his life. A law enforcer, but then he thought why not military. So he joined to do something better in his life. Giving his life to the country, without hesitation. And now he is a captain. PERSONALITY: TBR.