[hider=Bekka/Wonder Woman] [img]https://thanley.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/godsandmonsters.jpg[/img] Name: Bekka Alias: Wonder Woman Origin: The New Gods were a race of immortals that lived outside of time and space in what was known as the Fourth World. They evolved into powerful beings thanks to being in close proximity with the all powerful Source otherwise known as the essence of God. In a time eons ago, there was the planet Urgrund home of the Old Gods, but Ragnarok happened and the Old Gods were destroyed in the primivial conflict. Out of this unimaginable devastation came two planets where Urgrund once was and they were named New Genesis and Apokolips. New Genesis was like beautiful paradise, but Apokolips was a hellish world full of brutality. For New Genesis a leader of awesome power rose to claim the mantel of Highfather who named Izaya, a New God of great benevolence. For many millennia the two planets have warred with one another and seen much blood and destruction. Bekka was born during one of the many wars between the two worlds and from the moment she could walk she had a talent for combat. Her father Himon the inventor of the Mother Box saw that she had the heart and body of a warrior rather than a scientist and allowed her to be trained. From the very beginning of her training Bekka showed great promise and impressive skills for her age. During her lessons she heard stories of the hellish world of Apokolips and the horrid brutalities that were done to people on the planet, and she had a desire to end the evil that the planet created forever. This thinking process made her more rash and short tempered. Some said that her temper was almost identical to her childhood friend Orion. This desire would turn into an obsession when she learned that her mother was killed by the minions of Darkseid. Bekka had felt hate, a trait that wasn't common in big amounts for the New Gods and others worried. She lied to others about her want of revenge against Apokolips, but she had made plans to invade the dark planet and destroy their leader Darkseid. Her plans did not go the way she had hoped and her attack was stopped by the Highfather and the army of New Genesis. Izaya was furious at her actions and barated her for what she had done. In a flash of great anger Bekka dared to yell back at the Highfather and called him a naive god and blind to reality. In a state of wrath Izaya banished Bekka from New Genesis and he made it so that no Mother Box would be able to transport her back to her home until she proved herself a better New God. Himon wasn't able to say goodbye to her and Izaya activated her Mother Box and created a boomtube that sent her to earth. Bekka landed on the outskirts of Los Angeles. She had only her clothes, Mother Box and New God sword. She tried to command her Mother Box into sending her back to New Genesis, but the device would not respond to those commands and would always respond with the same words, [i]"Command not allowed by the authority of the Highfather."[/i] After the initial shock of her banishment passed she wept at the fact that she had lost her home and friends. She didn't remember how long she had laid on the ground sobbing at her misery, but Bekka would have her first experience with humans when a group of criminals brought a bound and gagged man and woman to a clearing not too far from her landing site. Even though she wasn't experienced in earth;y customs, she could tell that the two humans were being prayed upon the others. She may have had her heart broken by her banishment, but she was still a warrior and she had made an oath to defend those truly in need. She grabbed her sword and made her presence known to the criminals who proceeded to laugh at her asking if she thought it was something call Halloween. She responded ordering them to leave the man and woman alone and go away otherwise she would slay them all and showed off her sword. They still laughed and one man pulled out a automatic rifle and fired off several shots at her. The bullets bounced off of her as if they were plastic toys and she went on the attack. Her strnegth and speed and excellent swordsmanship made quick work of the criminals leaving a couple alive to flee in a state of horrible fright. Bekka freed the couple and they fled in fear of her thinking that she had to be insane to commit such acts of violence. It didn't matter much to her and with that she started her exploration of the alien world that was her home now. Human beings were strange to her, they had crude sciences and supposedly sought enlightenment, but they were also violent and full of bigotry. Bekka was able to blend in with them thanks to her Mother Box creating a disguise for her. The device gave her a human name for her to use and decided that Rebecca was the closest modern human name to her own. Her Mother Box assisted her in getting a job and a place to stay. Accepting that the Mother Box wouldn't be able to send her home Bekka spent the first few months of her new life among the humans in a state of depression at what she had been reduced to. The Mother Box kept her from thoughts of possible suicide, but it couldn't rid her of the diminishing fact that she had gone from a New God living a life of luxury to an outcast living on an alien planet. She was a stranger living in a strange world and she wanted to go home. She didn't make any friends or allow human males to get close to her. Even though her skills in combat had diminished during her first year on earth, Bekka would find hope in her possible return to New Genesis when she saw Superman's first appearance over the media. It seemed that earth had its own share of godlike beings and Bekka saw the Kryptonians example of fighting against the forces of evil and she believed that this could be her way back to New Genesis. Once again donning the garbs of her people, Bekka became a protector of the people of Los Angeles and the rest of America. The more religious people of the city called her an angel sent to protect them from the wickedness of sin and a light in the darkness. The news media called her Wonder Woman and Bekka went with that name. In 2012 she saw the news of Darkseid's attack on earth and seeing the tyrant slaughter of innocent people made Bekka join with the newly formed Justice League in repelling the hordes of Apokolips' invasion. After the invasion she went her separate way, but assured the team if another crisis happened she would be there to help. It is now 2016 and even after many defeats of villains she had did battle with, Bekka was still able to return home. Her hopes were starting to fade and she wondered if she would ever see her home again. All she had right now was her powers and her hero identity. Attributes: New God physiology: As a member of the powerful New Gods race Bekka is granted several extraordinary abilities, which include. Superhuman Strength: Bekka is able to lift well over a hundred tons. Supersonic Flight: Her top flight speed is Mach 3 Superhuman Durability: She can take a lot of hits and still keep coming. Bekka has taken blows from beings with strength comparable to Superman and still continue fighting. Expert Swordswoman: Bekka is an excellent swordswoman and has crossed blades with some of the most skilled sword users in the galaxy. Excellent Hand-to-Hand Combatant: She has trained in Martial Arts with warriors on New Genesis and combat experts on earth. Mother box: This is device that many New Gods use, it can used to open and close boomtubes for short or long distance travel, as well as heal wounds. It also can detect life and can create force fields for protection and alter the users appearance.. A mother box is sentient and works similar a computer. Bekka mainly uses her mother box for teleportation during battle and disguising herself when she is not doing heroics as Wonder Woman. New God Sword: Her sword is made up of metals that aren’t found on earth and makes it tougher than titanium and nearly indestructible. It is capable of cutting through most earthly materials, but it does have trouble slicing through diamonds, but human flesh is like butter to it. The sword is magically bound to Bekka and she can make it fly back to her when separated from it. It is also too heavy for an ordinary human to wield and will electrocute anyone who tries to wield it. Stomping Grounds: Even though she is a New God from the planet New Genesis, Bekka spends most of her time on earth specifically around LA. People of Note: Izaya: He is the all powerful leader of the New Gods and was responsible for her banishment. Orion: He is a childhood friend of hers and also happens to be the Son of Darkseid. Himon: he is her father who happens to be the inventor of the Mother Boxes. Darkseid: He is the tyrant ruler of Apokolips and the wielder of the powerful Omega Force. Bekka had plans to try and kill him, but was stopped by her fellow New Gods. She considers him her greatest enemy. Mr Miracle: He is Izaya's son who was exchanged with Orion and raised Apokolips. He eventually was able to escape and thus became known as the greatest escape artist. Giagantra: While on earth Bekka had a run in with a woman who was of incredible size who used her size to rob banks and team up with other super villains. Bekka has had to fight her on many different occasions. Cheetah: A very disturbed woman with the appearance and bodily movements of a cheetah. Her speed and agility is incredible and her animalistic brutality made Bekka have several confrontations. Granny Goodness: She is a trainer of Darkseid's soldiers and elite guards. She is sadistic and considered pure evil. Character Goals: Bekka seeks to find her place back amongst her home and people. She views her task with protecting earth as being part of her banishment from New Genesis as her only way of being allowed to return. The exact terms for which she had to meet in order to return were not given and so she he is left in a world almost unknown to her and she feels like an outcast among the humans of earth. Her hero's journey is one of finding redemption and the way home. Her sense of justice is on the gray side of the moral spectrum, she will not shy away from killing, but she does feel remorse even though her warrior training has tried to hide it. Sample Post: Bekka could not believe her predicament, she was being led in chains to the all powerful Highfather for crimes against the safety of New Genesis. Her action were for the greater good of New Genesis in her mind and she was indignant at being placed under arrest. Orion and several guards brought her before Izaya who sat upon his large throne with a look of anger in his white eyes and by his side stood her father Himon. Even though she allow her face to show it Bekka felt a wave of fear rush over her at the sight of her ruler's anger. Her father didn't look her in the eye and she could tell he was ashamed of her actions. "Glorious Highfather we have brought the daughter of Himon before you to stand trial for treasonous acts against your authority" one of the guards declared. Treason?! She was no traitor, she was trying protect her people and home. "Don't say anything foolish Bekka, admit to your mistake and beg for forgiveness" Orion whispered to her hoping that she would listen to him this time. Bekka just snorted and looked away from him. Izaya then spoke in a deep and powerful voice. "Bekka daughter of Himon and protector of New Genesis, I am greatly disappointed in your actions and because of them Apokolips is declaring the peace treaty broken and war may soon follow. Do you have any words that you would like to speak?" he asked. Bekka despite her fear clenched her fist in anger and let her temper get the better of her. "I have done nothing wrong nor am I a traitor, I did what was best for my people!" she bellowed. "You did what was best for you, you were clouded by your hatred of Darkseid that you didn't think of the repercussions of your actions. My word is law Bekka, by braking the treaty you have commited treason" Izaya spoke firmly and his eyes became even more angered. "Then maybe your words have become weak!" she said defiantly. Several of the guards gasped in shock at her words, never had they seen someone especially a warrior talk so rudely with their king. "You are no different than a spoiled angry child! You are only thinking about yourself and not those around you!" he boomed causing the throne room to shake. "And you are a foolish god who is blind to what evil will do if it is allowed to exist!" she retaliated. "Enough! I have made my judgement" Izaya got up from his throne and began slowly approach her. Bekka tried to struggle, but the chains prohibited her movement. "Bekka Daughter of Himon, for acts of treason and war I Izaya Highfather of The New Gods hereby declare you an outcast and banish you from New Genesis! No Mother Box will allow you to return and no god is to help you return. Your exile will last forever until you learn what the true power of a warrior is and truly see your mistake" he spoke and with those last words the Highfather opened up a boom tube and she was flung through after having her chains broken. Her father hadn't said anything and neither had Orion, she had to face the consquinces of her words against the Highfather. The boom tube opened up several feet above the ground of a place she didn't recognize and landed hard on the dirt. The portal closed almost immediately afterwards. and Bekka was now alone in the outskirts of LA. She was slow to get back up on her feet and noticed that her sword was lying close beside the spot where she had landed. She picked up the weapon and then looked around to get an idea of where the boom tube had taken her. When her caught the city of Los Angeles Bekka knew that the Highfather had decided to banish her to earth. "Mother Box, take me back to New Genesis" she commanded it, but it didn't respond the way she wanted and it replied. "Action not allowed by the Authority of the Highfather." she couldn't believe it, she was truly banished from her home. She kept trying to get the box to take her home, but gave her the same reply. After she gave up Bekka gave a cry of despair at her predicament. She now without a home and had been cut off from those that she had loved. This act of punishment had been worse than anything that she could have thought of Izaya doing to her for the actions that she had done against his decree. "Highfather I beg of you, please take me home!" she called up to the heavens in the slightest hope that Izaya would hear her plea and bring her back to New Genesis, but there was no response. Bekka almost collapsed on the ground and started to weep at her predicament. She had broken the law to help her people and defend her home, but now she was without her home and people. She was an exile. [/hider]