Tamarin stopped in his hyper movements at the sound of an old sounding goblin voice. [i]Matron.[/i] His mouth snapped shut and he frowned. Where was the green he'd seen and the sky. He finally noticed he was nowhere surrounded by green, but surrounded by brown. The only green was the other goblins. He turned to the Matron. What had she asked? Name. Name.... Tamarin broke into a crooked grin, his name was Tamarin, just like he'd been saying! He hobbled over very quickly to the Matron, smile still plastered across his face. "I am Tamarin!" He said proudly, turning to look at the other goblins. He was fairly certain they'd all said other things that were maybe [i]their[/i] names. He'd heard a Fox, a Chiba and a Shrek, and he'd heard another say [i]Letis hant[/i], he thought, a fat goblin with a stick. Hant? Hunt. He'd never heard the word, but it conjured to him an image in his mind of him stuffing his face with something delicious. So hunt meant food. Tamarin liked that. "I am Tamarin!" He said in agreement. "Let's hunt!"