LoL[@Kitsune] [@TheWindel] Have you played Bloodborne ? Because all of this Bloodborne-esque in my opinion. Also the woman wanting everything in the end wasn't subtle because I know you, but also it seems like you changed everything mid way, because in one of your post with her she yells help me a couple times along with struggling, now after everything she wanted to die, this doesn't really mess with me but I believe you should try to get more psychological in your attempts to make this world messed up, because personally this seems weak in my opinion, if you want I could try to help you with making this world disturbing because I've played Bloodborne all the way through and have come out tougher and disturbed. [quote=@TheWindel] “Help! Somebody, help me!” The natural melancholy that seemed to envelop all of Iredele was only slightly disturbed by the bloodcurdling screeches now ringing about. Some of the townsfolk turned to see what the commotion was that had spoiled their bleak existences, only to turn away when they saw the event for what it truly was. Nothing different, just the same thing. A poor woman was being dragged by her arms and hands, her feet kicking into the dirt as she struggled in vain. The ones who held her were a group of five, each individual cloaked in darkened hoods and robes. Their motions did not waver or falter as the woman cried out for release, begged to be forgiven by these silent abductors. Close inspection from a citizen of the town would notice that they were carrying the woman away from Iredele, heading out to the main road to where the wooden walls kept the mist away from the town. No one bothered to help the poor lass and no one seemed to care as well. It was merely the life lived in Iredele. An occurrence only to befall the wicked as it were. To interfere now would be to embrace the life of a Hunter and to forever irate the forces that lie in the dark. Whether or not anyone would do anything about it was yet to be seen. But it would not be easy. “Help! I don’t want to die! Help me please!” [/quote] Just saying you can't flip the script at the last second and have her kill her self that seems weak, hell if you'd have her say something like " Thank you, but what's the point, you just delayed my time for dying, tomorrow they would come and take me and someone else." But Windel like I was saying that was pretty weak.