The pirate, known as Inyata made the most impressive pout ever, she was clearly annoyed and wanted to beat the living daylights out of the paladin ‘The bastard took my voice!!!’ she said in her mind ‘This is not fair!’ She suddenly had a temper tantrum and stuck out her tongue at the young lady. wondering why she could be herself but not someone like Inyata herself. She ended up placing her hands on her hips once more. She turned her head to the newcomer and she was fuming, how the hell can the blade lady get away with it when she was the one that caused the ink to fall in the first place. She nodded hesitantly… deciding to join them, even though she feels she will not be able to do anything since everyone will be down at her throat. ‘So much for being yourself… Nobody enjoys my company here… rotten scum… if grandfather was here he would perish them all...’ she spoke to herself in her mind since that is pretty much what she can only do. She finally decided to sheathe her cutlass on her side since she still held it and finally crossed her arms under her bust sighing softly, this time she wasn’t attempting to piss anyone off… for once.