Tatsumi suddenly found himself lifted off the ground, taken away from the green gas by Sinthe. All the beasts were dead but one, the one that had originally engaged him. The creature began bounding towards the group, but was suddenly silenced, a blade suddenly erupting from its chest, only to suddenly disappear. [b][i][color=gold]What?! Was that and effect of the gas? No, that can't make sense... someone else must've killed it. But he's left so quick![/color][/i][/b] Tatsumi got up from the ground which he had been not-so-gently placed by Sinthe. [b][color=Gold]"Well, that went well, for our first fight. Thanks for your help, errrr..."[/color][/b] He looked towards the man in the bird mask, [b][color=gold]"What should I call you?"[/color][/b] The young man asked politely, [b][color=gold]"I'm Tatsumi."[/color][/b] Tatsumi's introduction was suddenly interrupted as the women he had rescued began to approach him, [i][b][color=Gold]I'm glad she's safe. Maybe if I'm lucky she'll have some information, and maybe a place I could st-[/color][/b][/i] He was taken aback as he was suddenly slapped in the face. He rubbed his face [color=gold][i][b]"Wha-"[/b][/i][/color] Suddenly she was yelling at him, calling him a heretic, ranting on about her crimes. [b][i][color=gold]Killed her own daughter? Consumed the flesh of her son? How could a person do something like that?[/color][/i][/b] His expression morphed to one of shocked horror. [b][color=gold]"I-I..."[/color][/b] Tatsumi was at a loss for words. And then she backed into the well, and everything got worse. The moment she smiled at him he knew what came next. [b][color=Gold]"Wait! No!"[/color][/b] He stretched out his hand and ran for the well, but it was too late. She was gone before he could get even halfway there. He ran to the well and looked over the cusp. [b][i][color=Gold]Dead.[/color][/i][/b] He looked back to the group and shook his head, then turned away. He stalked away from the square, heading down the main street, and down into the alley that lay between the tavern and the building next to it. He didn't want the others to see how pitifully [i]weak[/i] he was. Once he was out of view, a tear ran free down his face. [i][b][color=Gold]I've never seen someone die... I couldn't save her... but is it really right to feel bad for someone like that?[/color][/b][/i] Her words ringed once again in his head, [b]"I drowned my own daughter, consumed the flesh of my only son, and this is how I am repaid for my sins?”[/b] He braced himself against the wall of the tavern, [i][b][color=Gold]This doesn't make any sense, she was crying for help! This place doesn't make any sense![/color][/b][/i] More tears flowed down his face. [b][i][color=Gold]"Dammit!"[/color][/i][/b] He shouted out loud, pounding his fist against the wall. He felt useless and weak.