Once the fight with the God's Hand came to a, slightly unpredicted, end, Akemi straightened her posture and coughed hard to clear her lungs of the green gas. Her hood was down now, allowing everyone to look at her inhuman features only a little different than those of the God' Hand. Ignoring any looks that could be cast at her direction or not, the vixen turned to Leo and said [b][color=92278f]"So, you have survived again, Crowface? Even cats have only nine lives, you should remember that. Anyway, if you want help to find another house to demolish, count me in... for the right price, of course."[/color][/b] She grinned, flashing her best mercenary smile to the mad alchemist. After looking around, Akemi finally addressed the other hunters [b][color=92278f]"For those who still don't know me, my name is Akemi and I'll show you what you have to do in order to not have the same fate as Miss Gratitude. I'm feeling rather generous today, so I'll spare you of the standard fee, let's just split the loot evenly, right?"[/color][/b] She looked to Jenniver and offered her hand for the taller woman to shake [b][color=92278f]"I like your style, it's rare for a woman such as you to wash up on this godforsaken place. Watch my back and I'll watch yours"[/color][/b] Regardless of Jenniver's reaction, Akemi's next move could be only one. [b][color=92278f]"I think it's time to settle our business from early isn't it, Sinthe? I wonder why just thinking about your name makes me feel like my insides are burning..."[/color][/b] Akemi said as she drew a provocative claw up Sinthe's arm and then, her five on his chest, before grabbing him by the collar of his garb and dragging his face to her level with inhuman strength [b][color=92278f]"Come now, before your smell drives me crazy."[/color][/b] She took a deep breath at the scruff of his neck before letting him go. [b][color=92278f]"Just ask the inkeeper for my room, I'll be waiting for you with something to drink."[/color][/b] Akemi said as she produced a bottle containing a green beverage, that almost seemed to glow on the dark shadows of this place, from somewhere within her mantle. If Sinthe chose to come after her, two things would happens. First, he would find out how her room is littered with Origami made from poetry paper, and second, he would have a hell of time as long as he could endure Akemi's rather voracious 'appetite', or... her claws, at the very least. If he didn't... well, he would find what the saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" truly means.