I grin and roll my eyes at the big guy's speech, then shrug at him "Ah, classic Tyrael... Yeah, and I'm his seeing eye dwarf; Johnathan Fitzgerald, formerly of the Legion, originally of Enki, and most recently from a hotel room at line-top around Tau Ceti e..." I pause... behind the pair and to the left, something's caught my eye... a small white cylinder, in the hand of a charred corpse... Should I try to grab it? If I run- no, I'd be as likely to fall flat on my face as to be shot, and far more likely to be shot than reach it, unless... unless they weren't the kind of people who'd shoot you. I could try it, just walk slow towards the stunner, not make any threatening movements, and then... and then, if it worked, I'd have shot two people who wouldn't shoot a man if he wasn't trying to kill them. I sigh "Kidnapped, abducted, shanghaied, skyjacked, waylayed, spirited away... take your pick. And you can quit with the suspicious tone, unless you have some reason to suspect freezing to death is all part of my nefarious plan." "I mean, out of everyone here, you two are the most suspicious, seeing as you clearly planned ahead for your trek to the mountain top covered in corpses in the middle of nowhere on some backwater planet... or where you just passing through?" I manage to unwrap a hand from around my chest long enough to gesture at them, and then to point at the green guy with my stunner, though I'm having to fight with myself the whole damn time to get the next words out. I talk slow and deliberate, betraying some . "In fact, if that very dead xeno didn't have something of mine clenched in his fist, I'd be convinced that you and your buddies are the culprits... as it is, I'd suggest that he's a pretty good suspect." And there it is. I hate chance- I never take a chance when I can possibly choose a sure thing, even if it meant rigging the dice but... I had to make a gamble here. There wasn't a way out without rolling a die, so... I guess I just have to grit my teeth, bear with my dislike, and hope I'd chosen the right table.