Macey felt her ears twitch underneath her hair – she was about to come up with a retort, but made a mental U-turn in the last moment. [color=a2d39c]“I do apologise. Really. I’ve just been a little restless for the past few months and now that I’m awake and running again… I didn’t want to believe I’d awoken in a world with absolutely nothing to do. But enough on that, you won’t regret taking me with you.”[/color] She kept up pace with Leo enthusiastically, but almost collided head first with the tall drunken uh… digger? Sewage cleaner? Seriously, how does a man get so much mud coated on his person? [color=a2d39c]“I’m not a villager!”[/color] She managed to protest through gritted teeth, desperately trying not to breathe in the dirt-collector’s stench. Eventually failing in this task, and bringing up her hand to cover her mouth, she managed to catch a stray lock of hair in her fingers and Macey caught a glimpse of it for the first time. In this atmosphere, her hair appeared to be a strange charcoal grey, and even her skin colour looked slightly murky. [color=a2d39c]“Oh. Oh [i]that[/i]. Yeah that’s… that’s kind of like the villager’s isn’t it… I should probably dye my hair red or something.” [/color] She took a good few steps back, not wanting to be anywhere near the strange mud sniffer in case he suddenly vomited. That was about the time when Leo brought out a delicate little vial – and the man was knocked out flat. …Rohypnol? What kind of man keeps that sort of thing on him? Supressing her sense of worry for the dust eater (and a strange sense of satisfaction, now that he was nowhere near her) Macey turned heel and followed Leo back to the town square.[i] And, back to square one[/i] she thought. Except, square one with dog men and… wait, aren’t those the same people from earlier? Was Macey supposed to be fighting alongside them? [color=a2d39c] “Leo, these people came here the same time I did, today. Not the dogs, I haven’t a clue where they came from. But the others and I, we’re the ones that started in the church.”[/color] She’d learnt by now to stay well away from any sort of glass or metal object Leo produced, so Macey stood well clear of the fight scene before Leo even threw it - she was only half surprised when a choking lime coloured smoke emerged. Just where on earth does he get the materials to make this stuff anyway? A white haired male approached Leo, making a wide arc to avoid the smoke – but Macey was much more interested at studying the smoke, wondering if any of the beasts had survived. Well, one almost did, before a being like a shadow weaved its way through the smoke to assassinate it – and like a shadow, it was gone again, blending in perfectly with the alleyways of the city. [color=a2d39c]“Yeah. He’s important. We should probably follow him and check that ou-”[/color] [i]“Heretic!” [/i] Macey turned her attention to a dishevelled looking woman, and for a moment lost all memory of the shadowy stranger. Well, that was probably the woman who all the fuss was over in the first place. Turns out she wasn’t such a saint after all. Realising what the woman was about to do as she approached the well, Macey ran after her to stop her. But she was too late – she fell anyway. [color=a2d39c]“You should have lived, so that you can walk past the graves your children every single day, and that their ghosts will haunt you at every hour!” [/color]Macey hissed. [color=a2d39c]“That should have been payments for your sins.” [/color] Still rather uninterested in the white haired fighter (or for that matter, anyone else in the square,) she turned back to Leo saying [color=a2d39c]“Should have left her for the hounds, maybe they’d bring her true justice. I’ll be back in a while - don’t disappear, you still have a debt to pay. No, wait, scrap that. Do whatever you want. I’m going to find that dirt brained priest who expects us to protect this town, and rip him apart. If he thinks I’m lifting a finger to protect people like[i] that,[/i] then he’s in for a surprise.”[/color] And with that, Macey stormed off in the direction of the temple. Back to square one - for real, this time.