There she stood, rather nervous, her heart pounding so loudly she could hear it. Her mouth was dry, she lifted her water bottle to her lips and took a long gulp. This was they day she was assigned a K-9. She had been told many things about them, and how she must be strict, they are just humanised dogs that could talk. She was taught how and when to use the electric shock control on the collar, and exactly how much of a shock to give what different disciplines. She was given her remote for the K-9's collar. Christa clipped it onto her belt and tugged at it to make sure it was secure. She got a thumbs up and the go ahead into the kennels from her lieutenant. Her hound was awaiting collection. She wasnt quite sure why she was so nervous. She had a flash back to when she was just a child. She had a good Anthro friend, she was a lop eared rabbit. Ruby, was her name. She smiled fondly as she remembered when they were playing in a puddle of mud. She remembered having to help her blow dry her fur and break the mud out. She stifled back a giggle as she remembered her fond memories of her old friend. The her smile faded as she remembered on day going to her home to call on her friend and she was gone. Just gone. Her and her entire family, disappeared, she had no idea where they had gone. Christa shook her head as she brought herself back into concentrating on what was at hand. A security guard gave her access to the kennels. She took a deep breath and walked in. As she walked down the isles she felt eyes glaring at her. She did feel sorry for all the Anthros in cages... It was no life to live constantly caged. She knew that these Anthros... these [i]people[/i] had just as much intellect as humans did. She didnt believe in treating them any less than she would anyone else, she was always brought up that way. Her father died before she was born but it was an anthro that helped him get to a hospital to be cared for. He was stabbed in the street by a group of young adult humans. It was the same lady whoms daughter she became best friends with, she saw a lot of Rubys mother as she often helped her mother as she was a single parent. This was why she wanted to become a police officer, this was why she wanted to be part of the K-9 squad. She stopped and turned, looking into the cage she saw her new partner. "K-9 Miles Longtail. Pleased to meet you, I'm officer Christa Parks." She said politely with a small smile spreading across her lips. The security guard cam and unlocked the cell door. Christa offered her hand out to shake. She was hoping that this would be the start of a good friendship.