[hider=Appearance][img]http://therafimrpg.wdfiles.com/local--resized-images/bree-cadeyrn/Bree.jpg/medium.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Nala Biting-Lance Rand [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Faction:[/b] Outsider Mage [b]Personality:[/b] Mellow and calm in her daily life, Nala is rarely the first to speak. When she does speak, the words have been predetermined, and the structure is both brief and pointed. Before she acts, she observes with a cautious eye. Her behavior is bound beneath a set of conduct laws. They are courage (which is to behave without fear of man), wisdom (which is to understand what action best fits a scenario), and kindness (which is to act with the intention of bettering one’s fellow man). While the virtues she seeks are far beyond her, since Nala is impatient and has a thirst for discovery, Nala holds herself accountable to them. [b]Bio:[/b] Parents were nobility, but they left their station to become outsiders due to Nala being born a mage. While the father, a luminosity knight, chained to his daughter the collar, it was used primarily as a tool to make her use her magic for good. Much of her childhood was spent with only her father, mother, and younger brother hunting along the outside lands until at last they found the Outsider’s city. Her brother joined a gang, the CharHornets, and Nala was only spared the temptation by her father, who restricted his mage daughter with a heavy hand. It was only because she rarely left the home, and only healed for the CharHornet boss that Nala did not see the horrors her brother did. She saw the haunting in his eyes instead, and the tightening of his inner being, now closed to her by a hardened shell. Her father saw fit to train her body in order to discipline her mind and magic, and so she learned the way of the lance in a small room, and how to carry herself and armor in a way befitting a Luminosity knight. Her father has recently died of sickness, and her mother married another man. Nala remains a servant of the CharHornet leader, and is still used to heal his gang members. Now, however, the gang wants her assistance in torturing his enemies. [b]Stats: [/b] STR: 6 AGI: 8 PER: 7 INT: 9 WIS: 6 CHA: 4 [b]Spells:[/b] [i]Healing[/i] (of minor wounds. It would take her a day of constant rest and spellcasting to heal a broken arm, for instance), [i]Heal Poison[/i] (purges poison from the body -- the catch is that she must be able to recognize the poisonous substance, or have a purified version of it on hand), [i]Restore Strength[/i] (she restores strength to the person’s limbs and removes aches and pains. The spell simulates a well-rested body, but the spell only prolongs the effects of still-building fatigue) [b]Skills/Techniques:[/b] Wrestling, Spear fighting, Armor and Weapon upkeep [b]Combat strategy:[/b] She likes to go right for the neck or the heart. She would not be comfortable with incorporating magic into her fighting style. [b]Equipment:[/b] Thin-tipped spear, iron pauldrons and gauntlets, chainmail, chestplate and greaves, which have been modified from her father’s armor to fit her. She also carries a hand-and-a-half sword that her father did not teach her to use, and a round buckler shield.