“I am so sorry,” she said stretching the so and the sorry, “I know how, uh, sensitive wings can be and I got carried away,” she covered her face and felt tears fall as her aura grew cloudy because of her mood, “Please don’t hate me. I really like you, you know? I don’t have many friends and I didn’t mean to come to your room, I promise” she babbled and winced at how pathetic she sounded to her own ears. He took a step toward her and she moved away from him “I don’t hate you,” Zayden answered moving fast and lifting her up before wiping her tears, “It had felt good,” he continued shivering at the memory. “Really?” she sniffed, “You don’t hate me? You won’t throw me out?” Zayden shook his head and chuckled softly at his little nurse, “Of course not. I still need you and I have no intention of letting you go until you are ready to go,” he said out loud and in his thoughts continued with, “And even then I might not let you go.” Isaura didn’t quite believe him and watched his aura as hers gently pushed against his. Seeing his aura respond to hers by letting her in and brighten at the honesty of his words she clung to him as she felt warmth fill her. Surprised at the feeling she opened her eyes and watched as Zayden’s aura wrapped around her in a subconscious display of affection.