[h1]Executioner[/h1] Soon enough, Therana's target skips down the paved road leading to the oblique grocery store, already the surrounding people are attempting to avoid the apparent tourist as he slips in between farmers and bored townsfolk, quietly singing 'Combine Harvester' as he enters the grocery store; apparently ignorant to Therana's trap. He pulls out a terribly maintained notebook, flipping to the page where he had written down his shopping list, he gets to work, picking out all means of vegetables, and blatantly ignoring the Magus. The tourist's features are wholly consistent with the Executioner, short black hair, caramel eyes, heavily stacked, muscular frame. The only feature missing is his callousness, if anything this American tourist is an exuberant air head. [h1]Eme Wyte[/h1] A housewife in her thirties peers out from the Bed -n- Breakfast's kitchen, from a glance, the woman has all the features of a compulsive mother, wide hips, sizable chest, and hardly noticeable stress wrinkles located around her mouth. But once Archer, and Mesman (however blurred) get a better look at her, the blonde haired, and blue eyed woman looks strikingly youthful. [b]"Oh, welcome!"[/b] she exclaims in fluent German, she stands at her full height in the doorway at the end of the entrance hall, and sets her hands on her hips with an optimistic smile[b] "My name is Eme, this is my Bed and Breakfast for wayward travelers, and you have arrived just in time for breakfast! if you and your sister are hungry at all."[/b] she offers, her children already devouring a surprisingly large portion of breakfast food in her dining room. [b]"You can take a seat if you would like, I'm just finishing up in the kitchen."[/b]