Apologies for the delay. Upon review, I can happily approve everyone's characters. I've commented individually, but otherwise you're all free to post to the character thread. [@RBYDark] I did some looking; Lovecraft actually gave two different names for Arkham's paper in two different stories. Whether these were separate companies or just differences in the same, it doesn't matter. The Arkham Sun is just fine. I added a new field or two in the new version of the CS, they're somewhat optional so change them at your discretion. [@Odysseus] I like that we will already have a subplot or two with the involvement of gangs and local law enforcement. I'm glad to see two characters already lined up that are either children or "childlike" in nature. Apologies that I can't roleplay the dilettante sister, as I'll have the NPC's to handle as well. [@Levythelevy] Pleased you did some research for his background. I was originally writing a constable NPC for Arkham, but he was somewhat boring and after seeing Deon I can happily scrap him. Perhaps the NPC will be his boss, I am not sure yet. [@Queen Tomato] Thanks for checking with me, but you're a-ok to finish the profile. Intrigued to see what you come up with. I will kick the roleplay itself off with an introductory post tomorrow, tonight I'd like to at least get the NPC's squared away. Thank you for your work on the character sheets folks!