As Zayden held Isaura close he felt her relax a bit more in his embrace and with a relaxing sigh walked her out of the closet. Chuckling a bit to himself "Isaura I really like you too, and I wasn't gifted with many friends either in this or otherworld. so I guess you could say we're kindred spirits in that light" Zayden said while stroking her hair "I don't even remember much from the other world, and the pieces I do remember I don't want too. so I was never given a chance to make friends there either, all in all I'm kind of glad I broke my wing. otherwise I would have missed the opportunity to meet my little nurse" Zayden said as he blushed a little "And now we have all day, So if you like you can take a nap and get some proper sleep we can practice like you said earlier on my healing but if we do how about just the basics. you have soft hands wouldn't want to forget the gentle touch of an amazing nurse" Zayden said almost surprised he had enough gall to say it. "But before all that if you like I can get you a change of clothes from my moms clothes and have these washed for you if you like. I only ask cause a hot shower is one of the two things that helps me relax the other is flying and you're making sure I can keep that up" Zayden smiles looking down at Isaura who seemed to drift off a bit. He would lay her in his bed as he headed into his bathroom and begun to undress and turn on the hot water.