All was still in the walls of the Temple. The hooded man didn't need to hear the attack of the beasts or the smell of their rot to know they had come. It was at the point where their mere presence was enough for him to lock the doors shut and close the curtains high. In the midst of his preparations, he gave pause when he spotted one of the younglings from before strolling up towards his Temple. A dry chuckle escaped his dusty throat and the man decided against locking all the doors on this night. Turning away from the outside world, he carried his aged body over to the altars that marked the focal point of the Temple. The place was rotting, much like he was. And yet, symbols and bearings of the Absolute still reflected off their mantles, glaring back at him like an apathetic [url=]eye[/url]. Two corpses whose faces were wrapped in swollen, dirty rags laid before the altar, gazing up blankly towards the symbols up high. Taking a bowl of what was proposed holy water, the man bent down to gently flick drops onto the ashen bodies, muttering phrases all the while. [color=ed1c24][b]“Ut absolutam gratiam tuam....”[/b][/color] The sound of Macey’s rapid footsteps rang throughout the entire room. They paused for a short while, then picked up pace again as Macey marched towards the cloaked figure with his back turned towards her. Hot rage cloaked her body, and she half expected for the ground below to burst into flames from her internal anger. Closing the distance by climbing the few steps to the altar, Macey managed to catch the final words of the Priest’s strange chant. [color=a2d39c]“Ut absolute, [i]Dear Father[/i],"[/color] she said, half growling, and sarcasm dripping from each syllable. [color=a2d39c]“It was the final prayer of the woman who died tonight. Of course, you’d know all about that wouldn’t you?”[/color] The man turned to face Macey with a warm smile creasing his features before raising his arms to her and saying, [color=ed1c24]"Young Hunter. So I take it you've witnessed your first hunt, yes?"[/color] Rotting Bone shuffled down the stairs and off to the side in one of the tarnished, wooden pews. He sat down with a creak in his joints and limbs, the cane shivering in his grip as he placed himself down at a resting position. [color=ed1c24]"What can I do for you youngling?"[/color] As he spoke, the man felt another presence enter the Temple. Two actually, but the first had soon dispersed away from his sight. Left was the form of a man and the image of a monkey. A newcomer to the town of Iredele, and the World of Wasted Dreams. A new Hunter. [color=ed1c24]"So the Young Devil has given me another one,"[/color] he muttered to himself. Mu woke with a deep yawn and stretch. He looked around and saw that he was in some kind of dusty building. He did not know who he was or why he was there, but it didn't matter to him he just wanted some food and to get the kink out of his neck. As he sat up straight and rubbed the dirt out of his eyes, something fell into his lap and began to thrash around. Mu looked down and saw a small monkey in little monkey clothes no bigger than his hand. It was carrying some kind of charm pouch; the monkey looked at him confused at first, but then jumped up on his shoulder. Mu felt like he belonged there so he did not try to move him. He sat up straight and finally took in his surroundings. It was dark in here and at the center of the building; there was a altar that looked old as dirt with a man in deep prayer, that looked old as dirt. As he sat up he put the charm around his neck and walked over to man to ask him some questions. When he got closer a girl came rushing in and walked straight up to the man. She looked like she had some words for him and he looked as calm as day. Mu felt that he had felt these emotions of anger from a woman before, he could not remember where but he knew how the man should have been feeling. Macey stared at him in disbelief; not that anyone could tell, since it was hard to read the expression in her brown-black eyes. [color=a2d39c][i]He knew! And he was perfectly relaxed about the whole affair too![/i][/color] And here this man sat, with the audacity to treat her like a fatherly figure. She mused as to whether the priest acted this way towards all the villagers - as he watched them die from his temple. [color=a2d39c]“Well, you see, you could do me a massive favor. The thing is, back from where I’m from, the church acted to serve the people. The church was a sanctuary, a safe haven, that made the citizens feel safe. Despite all the trials and tribulations sent their way, the church still held true to their dignity. And their beliefs, and their need to help the common people. You, on the other hand… demonic dogs raid the city on your doorstep and you don’t do as much as to lift a finger. You don’t do anything to stop the atrocities committed by your own villagers, you of all people don’t get to toss the word ‘Priest’ around like you’ve even earnt it!”[/color] All was dark; except for the candle fire, the iridescent eye on the wall, and the harsh glint of light lining the barrel of the shotgun that was firmly gripped in Macey’s hand. [color=a2d39c]"I’m used to helping people who are unable to help themselves, you know. But it’s not like these villagers are too weak to protect their own – they just don’t want to. Why should we risk our lives fighting for people like this? For people like you?"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"There's no reason to shout in the House of the Absolute,"[/color] Rotting Bone said calmly while keeping a slight eye on the newcomer. [color=ed1c24]"Iredele is a strange little town, isn't it? Listen well now, because I won't want to repeat myself. The same goes for you as well young man,"[/color] he called out to Mu. [color=ed1c24]"The people of this town, this world are indifferent. There is nothing you can do for them except perhaps extend their lives a little longer. Isn't that the good work of a church? I've done plenty youngling in guiding the dead to rest so that they may escape the dream. Isn't the knowledge of saving a live more than enough to satisfy you? You are Hunters now. Your purpose is to hunt, not save."[/color] The man’s calming nature almost lulled Macey into submission. After all, it was difficult to look at him without being reminded of an elderly next door neighbor, or a primary school caretaker. And that’s exactly what pissed her off the most. [color=a2d39c]“What good is it to save just one life, when you can find the cure to the disease once and for all?”[/color] The echo of the shotgun’s flintlock sounded like an alarm. [color=a2d39c]“And something sour tells me that I’ve found the source of the infection. I’ll admit it; I hate facades, I hate actors, I hate people pretending to be innocent and humble when they are nothing but snakes beneath their skin. You could do me one sweet little favor though – you have three minutes to explain your connection to the hounds, these strange rituals and the woman’s suicide or you can leave the face of this world forever.”[/color] Almost as quickly as the words rolled off her tongue, the sound of metal scraping out of its sheath became wildly apparent to the newcomer; a hunting knife drawn in his direction, just in case he tried anything heroic. [color=a2d39c]“And you, sweet sir, will stay exactly where you are. I’ll be damned if I get killed playing the part of a pawn in an old phony’s games!”[/color] No sooner did Macey make such childish threats did the faint pricks of something sharp make themselves known along the edges of her throat. Closer inspection on her part would reveal the old man's cane placed dangerously by her neck. However, it was no ordinary cane and what was now revealed to be a blade was coated in small niches running along the length of the sword. Impossible. No human could move that fast. And yet here he was all the same. He stood inches away from her, his eyes meeting hers from beneath his dark hood. There it was. There was no mistaking the answer to how he had easily dismounted her attempted attack. The fire of a Hunter was evident in his gaze. [color=ed1c24]"You seem to be mistaken young Hunter,"[/color] Rotting Bone said, voice maintaining its intense calm. [color=ed1c24]"I have done more for these people than you can imagine. I've seen many things. Young people like you torn apart into pieces of scattered flesh. There is no escaping this world young Hunter. There is only the thrill of the hunt. The sooner you can keep this in mind, the sooner you can continue living. Now, will you back down? As you can see, the length of my sword is covered in small pockets that release a very lethal poison on contact. One cut and....well, there's a very good reason the people here gave me a name like 'Rotting Bone'." [/color] The man stared her down, grizzled smile never wavering. [color=ed1c24]"Perhaps when you've calmed down, this old man can entertain your curiosity."[/color] The tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife. He looked back and forth between the old man and the girl. While the girl had pointed a knife at him, Mu did not feel in danger, but the man gave off a presence of death, it scared him. Mu knew that he was not one to be messed with and made a mental note not too. The monkey had crawled on top of his head as Mu spoke. [color=EE82EE]"Wow... ok, ya lets all be friends here. Why don't we start by you putting the gun down and politely get the knife out of my face [i]sweet lady[/i]."[/color] Mu said with smile of genuine warmth. [color=EE82EE]"I have some questions my self, like what are we hunting exactly?"[/color] He said to the calm man. [color=a2d39c][i]How did… a pile of old bones… move so fast?[/i][/color] For all his talk about the hunts, it seemed as though a monster was living right inside of the priest the entire time. And he was still smiling. Still, Macey stood frozen to the ground as she tactfully put the shotgun back into its holster. She was much more reluctant to drop the knife however, as Macey seemed to be furious at the man for a reason she couldn’t put her finger on. Eventually, she sheathed it without apologizing. Even so close to death, Macey still held her head high as her anger only just began to simmer down. [color=a2d39c]“And here I was thinking you wouldn’t even react to an apocalypse. Still, his question is a good one,”[/color] she said, for the first time referencing to the new comer without malice. [color=a2d39c]“[i]What[/i] is it exactly that we are hunting?”[/color] Rotting Bone seemed to smile brighter, but just slightly. He removed his blade from Macey's throat to reveal a sheath in his other hand. In on fluid motion, his cane sword was concealed form peering eyes once again and he leaned on it much like he had earlier. There seemed to be some initials on the elaborate artifact though it was difficult to tell what the letters were. All that could be made out from this angle was an "H". [color=ed1c24]"Monsters,"[/color] he answered them both. [color=ed1c24]"Didn't I say that? You're hunting monsters. Nightmares that prowl this world and seek to consume the flesh of man. Among other things. As far as I know, there is no way to return to your old lives. Any more questions?"[/color] [color=a2d39c]“Wait. There’s [i]no[/i] return?”[/color] Not that staying in bed all day everyday was anything Macey wanted to rush back into, but she couldn’t believe that she’d never see a TV set and a fridge again in her life. [color=a2d39c]“But… hang on, who is the Absolute? We don't have a God like that in our world. The prayers you say and the ones spoken by the woman who killed her children are the same. You didn’t tell her to do that, did you?”[/color] [color=ed1c24]"The Absolute is the deity of this land,"[/color] Rotting Bone said with a shrug. [color=ed1c24]"It makes sense for the people her to worship their God, is it not? Although there are supposedly lost scriptures that strongly suggest the Absolute One is the progenitor of all worlds. But who am I to know such things? I am but a mere 'priest' as you put it."[/color] [color=EE82EE]"Well that's just great. No way out, and now a God that tells women to kill them selves."[/color] He said to no one in particular. Mu looked between the two in front of him and wondered what exactly he had missed. The he looked beyond and saw some items and clothes. [color=EE82EE]"Hey can I have those, I mean if your not gonna use them of course? I feel like they are mine, and no offense you look a little too old to be trying to swing a sword that big."[/color] Mu aid with a hint of humor as he walked over to inspect the items. The monkey had jumped off his head and started to dig through the pile. He resurfaced with a more comfortable looking out fit on and the charm still in his hands. [color=ed1c24]"By all means young man,"[/color] the old Hunter said with a chuckle. Macey paused in between his words, straining to work out the faint riddle playing underneath the strings of fate that brought her here. “Why would a God tell a villager to do evil, and tell you to do good, surely that’s not consistent…” She turned away from the altar, somewhat satiated by the encounter. [color=a2d39c]“Okay. I’ll hunt. I’ll find the answers I’m looking for in the hunt. You too, monkey kid,”[/color] Macey called, seemingly finding that knowing his name was somewhat irrelevant. After all, she [i]had[/i] gotten used to the “bird-man” nickname quite snugly. [color=a2d39c]“Once you pick up your stuff and that cute little pet, I’ll show you to the square. You seem like the lively type, a lot more energy than I can handle on my own. There’s more of us outside, and you might make a few friends there.”[/color] She had barely gotten half way through the hall, before turning back to the priest. [color=a2d39c]"You sound like you've been here for a real long time. If I discover anything new out there, I'll tell you. You know, hardcore facts - I refuse to believe I'm caged here in this small world. Even an old timer like you can learn new tricks!"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Perhaps I can,"[/color] the Hunter chuckled, turning away to bless his corpses. [color=ed1c24]"And if you happen to run into my granddaughter on your expeditions, do give her a greeting young Hunter."[/color] Those final words said, Rotting Bone continued on in his work with peace of mind. The sign of the Absolute stared down at them all, a reminder of this world's reality. [color=ed1c24][b]“Ut absolutam gratiam tuam.”[/b][/color] Mu stripped down and began to get dressed along with his companion. Once he put his clothes on he felt that sense of nostalgia again. As he breathed and moved around the clothes did it with him. They felt just right, not to tight and not to loose. He smelled them and they had a scent, it was familiar and close to heart, they smelt like him. He took the charm from the monkey and put it on, the monkey climbed on top of his head. He grabbed the sword and lifted it. It felt familiar in his had too, the weight was perfect and it had a clip that matched his belt. The last too items were a fan and an umbrella with. Mu grabbed the umbrella and fan. On the edge of the fan there was blades and writing on the side that read; "From Jin to Mu." Mu saw this and looked at the monkey. [color=EE82EE]"Well Jin is a drink i think so I'll take Mu."[/color] He said with confidence. He left with a hurry to catch up with the girl outside. [color=EE82EE]"Thanks Old man for the “stuff."[/color] The last remark was over his shoulder as he stepped out into the night. As one mystery was somewhat solved, another reared itself to take notice. The sound of sniffling caught the attention of a young [url= ]girl[/url] and she walked to the edges of an alleyway until finally stumbling upon a downcast Tatsumi. Puzzled, she knelt in front of the man and tilted her head curiously. [color=00aeef]“Excuse me sir. Why are you crying? Don’t you know the monsters eat the weak first?”[/color]