[hider=Florence Delores] [b]Name:[/b] Florence Delores [b]Age:[/b] 38 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Mastery:[/b] Metallic [b]Specialty:[/b] Ironworker [b]Rank:[/b] Master [b]Appearance:[/b] Florence stands at an average 5'6" with a strong build and dusky brown skin. Her once jet black hair has turned prematurely silvery grey, and is kept out of the way in a long braid. From the right side of her face down to her chest and shoulder, she is covered in burn scars and has aged that side of her body considerably, which in combination with her hair, creates the illusion that she is older than she seems. In contrast, her grey blue eyes are sharp and lively. She is almost always wearing a suit of armor that covers her entire body bar her head. Its exact shape and design are constantly changing to meet Florence's needs. Despite its weight, she moves quickly and unrestricted by it. In the rare situations where she is not wearing armor, it becomes plain to see that she lost her right arm some time ago, and uses a metal one to replace it, and uses her magick to move it like a normal arm. Her clothing is plain under her armor, consisting of cream blouses, black pants and leather boots, but she always has some kind of belt on her person. Over the top of everything, she tends to sport an old cream cloak with a hood, mainly to get people to stop staring at her armor or her arm. [b]Equipment:[/b] With the amount of metal she has on her person at any one time, Florence really has no need to carry weapons. The exception is a small blunt dagger she keeps attached to her belt under her armor - the first weapon she ever created. [b]Demeanor:[/b] Florence comes across as being a fairly relaxed and jolly sort of character. She seems to shrug off other people's mistakes and vices, is always up for a casual drink down at the pub, and has a distinctive booming laugh. She can be fairly popular with other students in the academy, as she will just let some small failing slide. In reality she has simply become good at concealing her stress and anger at people's dismissive attitudes, having learnt over time that many people require patience and understanding rather than screaming at them in order to achieve, and she does get a large amount of satisfaction from seeing her students excel. However, there are three things which she is stern and disciplined about - her magick, her religious beliefs, and her daughter Sylvia. In these areas, she will spare no quarter and will work tirelessly for them, as she sees them as the most important aspects of her life, and without them, she wouldn't be herself anymore. If she finds people who treat these aspects as irrelevant or disrespect, she can quickly lose her temper. The only other time she tends to get angry is when she is drunk, and her ability to conceal negative feelings is diminished. Florence has a bit of a problem with alcohol, as she turns to it to deal with stress and as an outlet for her frustrations and dealing with the pain of her injuries. Even so, she'll still drag herself out of bed with a hangover to tend to Sylvia or pray to Karina. [b]History: [/b]Florence was born as the only daughter of a Healer and a Mechanistic, and her father quickly realized her affinity for magick, so he would often bring her into his workshop, to try and teach her about giving life to metal. He planned to give her a head start, before sending her to the academy for further training when she was older. Florence quickly came to love both of her parents jobs - she enjoyed seeing her mother's patients recover and how delighted that made her mother, and also seeing how much her father enjoyed creating life out of the impossible. However, one day when she was 8, her father ducked out of the workshop to go create a splint for one of her mother's patients. It was a cold day, and Florence decided to use the fireplace to make it more comfortable for her father to work. However, the fire quickly grew out of control, starting to burn down his workshop and destroy his bots. Knowing how much he loved them, she tried to save them, but was trapped in the burning building when a support beam fell from the ceiling onto her arm, causing her to also catch fire. Her father rushed in to find her stuck, and realised he couldn't move the wooden beam, so he cut off Florence's arm to free her. Once they were safe and the building was put out, Florence's mother tried her best to heal her daughter, but as she was only a weak healer, she was unable to remove the scaring and only dull the pain of the injury. Her father then suggested they send her to the academy early, pointing out that if she could master Metal, she might be able to create a new arm for herself and avoid a life of disability. Florence headed to the academy, and quickly buried herself in study, determined not to be crippled for the rest of her life. During this time period, she became quite religious, believing that Karina had blessed her with her affinity for metal knowing that she would need the power in order to set right her own mistakes. This belief helped keep her conviction strong as she slowly but surely crept up the ranks. As an Adept in her twenties, she quickly discovered that alcohol helped dull the pain of her missing limb, and quickly became heavily involved with it. When she was 23, this landed her in the situation of having become pregnant, with no recollection of how it happened, or who this child's father was. Despite this, she tried her hardest to look after her child, Sylvie, although it made the path of reaching master more difficult, but she found watching her grow to be just as rewarding. Finally, at the age of 36, she achieved the rank of Master, and had complete control over the metal arm that she'd created, essentially allowing her to be a fully functioning human being. This occurred at the same time that Sylvie was accepted as an Illuminate into the academy, making it the happiest year of Florence's life. Since then, she's been focused on teaching other students, refining her skills, and helping Sylvie learn as much as possible. [/hider]