As expected, several of the others rushed to man the turrets, which was probably for the best. Even with computer assistance, the others would probably be better at it. Sirka was much more practiced when it came to shooting actual blasters with her own hands, instead of through a computer monitor. She wasn't a sharpshooter by any means, but she was a good enough shot in a normal fight. Since her vision wasn't as sharp as that of the average species, her effectiveness at long range was limited, but a good enough rate of fire could make up for some imprecision. In this situation, however, she was stuck in the middle of a fight with nothing she could actually do. It was a situation she had been stuck in before, of course, but it still never ceased to frustrate her. Sirka just stood in the main hold, grasping her repeater tightly and baring her many sharp teeth at nothing in particular. Pretty much anything else she could do would just end up distracting someone. All there was for her to do was wait, and listen to their pilot. That, and look for a decent place to stand if things suddenly went very wrong.