"A rousing speech, my lord," stated a man positioned to the back of the rather large crowd that had assembled to hear Cole speak. Wearing a finely knitted suit -who's golden hue contrasted his darker complexion- stood none other than Prince Leon, joining in the round of applause as a pleasant smile spread across his visage. This moment was a bittersweet for the man, marking a new beginning for so many of his kin and himself, but a remembrance of the cost... For a moment, his mind was swept back to the day he and his wife were supposed to flee, only to have the Adversary's forces raid their kingdom and take the life of his beloved. This darker moment was quickly swept aside however, as one of the party goers cast a cheerful smile and wave in his direction. Offering the same courtesies, he'd make his way off the dance floor and off to buffet table- his eyes taking stock of the plentiful feast their host had provided. Leon couldn't help but smirk, he did after all help furnish tonight's events, if only by providing the King choice cuts and ample meats to sustain the guests. Owning his own butcher shop was a relatively lucrative buisness, dealing with both mundies and fables alike to bolster his sales and sustain the life he was used to living. Some would say he was pampered, but he maintained that it was the proper standard for his station. After his few moments of daydreaming, Leon would step beyond the foods, making his way to the selection of wines and other refreshments that had been provided for tonight's event. It was then that the man caught a very familiar scent, his eyes glancing back and forth as if searching for something. It wasn't long before the source of the smell was found, eyeing over the fable known as Boogie. As he watched the man stow a flask beneath his jacket, Leon merely rolled his eyes as he lifted a glass of wine from the table before him, "You are aware that his majesty has provided sustenance for this evening, Boogie, are you not?" Drawing the same glass to his lips, he'd retrieve another from the table as he turned to the man to whom he spoke, "Or are you just used to isolating yourself. This is a time for merriment," Leon spoke as he extended the extra glass to the man, "Mingle with the masses. This is a celebration of our new lease on life." If the glass was recieved, Leon would depart from Boogie, if not he'd set the glass by the man's side and do the same. Being no stranger to these gatherings, Leon would place himself at the whim of the crowd, kissing the hands of whatever maidens approached him and offering the male's a firm handshake in greetings. Once again memories would flood his mind, though of a much simpler time. He remembered his own kingdom's ballroom and the banquets they contained, the laughter of the lords and ladies of his realm echoing within the walls and off the marble spires. To be back in his element after so long... This felt like home to Leon.