[quote]Hell, I'd even consider something zany (I'm just writing this off the top of my head) like a system where 2-4 players start a game (FFA or 2v2) with nothing on their character, spawned in some battlezone with a randomly generated description. And as they play, they get random "cards" that range from giving them random items to buffs to debuffs. And maybe the randomness + a point system gives it replay value?[/quote] A point system as rewards for winning or a point system to keep track of how good the character's abilities are in order to make balance in all of the randomness? Debuffs would subtract points and buffs add them so you can see if someone is a 20 points you'd know how unfair or fair a matchup is and could give them additional buff or debuff cards in order to even things out. Drawing a card saying "has a wooden leg like a pirate" would be worth -2 points while something even more serious like "Has a pet zombie bird that pecks his/her eyes at a 20% chance every turn and he can't stop it" would be worth -5 points. Everyone can sumbit all of their ideas to a huge list to randomly choose from based on number generators. Either that or there's a secret list that you submit ideas to the moderators so you are even more surprised with what you get stuck with.