[h3]Attending A Party, Guan Yu Drinks Wine And Considers[/h3] Standing off near the drinks table, holding a bowl of wine, was the long bearded and suited figure of Guan Yu. He had worn his finest suit for the occasion, as befitting such a momentous day in their history, and his jade cane was held firmly in his other hand. Though the revelry and joy surrounding him warmed his heart, his mind wandered back to his home of China. How he yearned to return! But alas, a figure of his importance would be recognized. No one could forget their Celestial Emperor, after all. Above all, he missed his sworn brothers. Neither Xuande nor Yide had reached a status beyond ancestral memory. How was it that he, Yunchang, could surpass them? Once again, the thoughts had clouded his mind, and once again, he banished them. It was appropriate that he was here. He had arranged for fine wines to be imported from China simply for his consumption, but others were partaking as well. It brought joy to Yunchang's heart that he had aided them so. This was why he also ran his life insurance company. The loss of family was always tough, and he was always on hand to ensure that the dead were sorted properly in the afterlife, and that their families did not have to suffer. Except for that pesky Mister Grey... He pushed the thought from his mind and filled his tiny bowl with another helping of wine. The revelry pleased him, for joy experienced by others was joy experienced by Guan Yu. There was no dishonour here, nothing for him to enforce, he was simply content to watch. He tapped his cane idly and drank down his second bowl of wine, a droplet escaping into his magnificent beard, but he ignored it. Indeed, a fine evening. Unless Mister Grey came along... he pushed the thought from his mind again. Dorian Grey would not cause him trouble this fine eve. Yunchang would not permit it.