//Voidic Anima is my original creation as far as I know no one but me and now you should know of it.// His opponent had decided to merely defend instead of counter or disrupt Grimm. This allowed Grimm to manifest in his 2nd form, one rarely seen. Why didn't Grimm take this form immediately? He doesn't like showing it off, Aside from that he couldn't since it required the power of Genesis since his opponent was such a user Grimm would take the genesis energy from the air that Blank wasn't currently using. Using the powers of Genesis he manifested in a etheral like form. It is entirely made out of Voidic Anima allowing him to use the properties of Void whenever he wishes however it also contains a large amount of the power of genesis allowing him to restrict the power of the void and set foot in the physical plane without causing it to go to Oblivion. However since the opponent had only defended themselves and they were currently both standing in literal Oblivion it did not matter. Grimm would use a tiny amount //1%// of his Genesis energy that he had gathered to spawn anima which would naturally react with the Voidic Anima to spawn Destructive Anima. It was at that moment when he reached out he mimicked the actions of blank and spawned lightning then empowering it with genesis, then he touched the destructive anima and was unharmed. Why? He was using the power of Genesis to protect himself, He then flowed the power of Genesis into the destructive anima allowing it to sustain itself he then coated his Lightning infused Genesis blade with said Destructive anima then formed the lightening into a sword shape which resembled a Katana and merged it with one of his hands. "You did well to survive my entrance into the former universe, and survive the wrath of nonexistence." He stated as he began to approach his opponent. [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/2cc4/f/2011/275/e/b/aizen_first_form_by_arrancarfighter-d4bmm85.png[/img]