[b]Time: Era of Gray (no precise timekeeping system developed). Upcoming: Era of Black and White[/b] [b]Information[/b] [hider=Platta Civilization] General Statistics: [hider=Population: 104] Platta: 103 Snow Brute: 1 [/hider] [hider=Relations] Snow Brutes: Undetermined [/hider] [hider=Technological Development] Division: 5/5 (east) Basic Camouflage: 4/4 (everywhere) Complex Wood Crafting: 1/10 (south) [/hider] [hider=Color Guides] These were last updated June 2, 2015. [hider=Color Dissection Guide] [img]http://i.imgur.com/a8Csow1.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Job Meaning] [img]http://i.imgur.com/sxzHVSO.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=General Symbolism Meaning] [img]http://i.imgur.com/OdWjS31.png[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [u]Snapping[/u] In the western exploration, the mediators of agreement (white) and disagreement (black) were moving with the other Platta there up until now. Now, something had made them halt. The dust began to stir as the Platta in front were physically fighting each other. This was a very rare event at all. Anger was driving what the Platta present said to each other. The disagreement over the means of discussion had reached a breaking point. No one was using weapons yet, as the sentry in the fight had been forced to remove it. The mediators, who were around, but more calm, stared in shock and fear over this event. They were fearing a divide in Platta life, and they were right. In the eastern exploration, the same Platta engineer (yellow) who had come up with the mathematical writing system had just witnessed a fruit snap and fall from a nearby tree. This observation made them question how such a thing could be joined as one object to separate into two, while at the same time, the fruit on other parts of the tree remain stable. They picked up the red fruit, and upon doing so, the brittle connections made it split in several pieces. The idea of division showed itself very strongly, and they began to draw what all the sudden inspiration compelled them to do. The mediator of all (gray) was also on this journey and seemed troubled. A different Platta asked what was causing this, as the exploration was going well so far. The Platta explained, "It is the discussions regarding the order of tasks. There has never been as great a divide amongst Platta ways. I fear this may be our last exploration where all Platta work together." [@Valkyr] In the northern exploration, the Platta observed the reaction closely. The apparent panic of the creatures and grabbing of weapons confirmed the Platta speculation they were protective of themselves. The Platta had also known from the past, though, that to attack or run was often more provoking than standing still during these times, and so remained observing. At one point, one of them had slowly repeated the word of "food". The attempt to imitate was understood as cautious greeting. The one which went for the fish that was pushed back also confirmed the Platta idea of their cautiousness. Soon, more words were spoken, but none Platta recognized. However, the gesture was more understandable. It appeared to be a reference to everyone of the creatures. It wasn't clear if it was meant as an introduction or a warning, but the Platta caretaker figured if it was meant as a warning, there would have been more aggression by now. The words were noted by a Platta in the back, as the caretaker in front gestured to all Platta present saying, "Platta." [@Elitestpotato][@Nerevarine] In the southern area, where Faw had decided to travel with the Platta, the Platta observed the Arsurons. The symbolism most Platta had read into the creatures was that they were creatures that valued the pursuit of learning (light blue) in the effort to aid their lives (green). The Platta observed the deconstruction of the canoe and conversations. The Platta had never considered much in the way of building something to be on the river nor making something of wood to the complexity of a canoe. Although they had no idea what the creatures talked about, they did notice the bowing and repeating of words. The sole engineer (yellow) of the group had noticed the pattern but didn't know what to make of it. They noticed the repetition, but wasn't sure what that meant. The book was also noticed and although the writing wasn't readable, they did notice the similarity to the Platta concept of dyeing cloth and wondered if the creatures were drawing symbolism similarly. As the Platta and Faw were approached by the unknown creatures, the Platta prepared food to give as a gesture of friendship thinking that was more able to be understood than any words. They also told Faw quietly that they did not know these creatures, and were going to try greeting it as they had done with her in the past.