Name: Leon Longood Age: 21 Gender: Male # Of Years You've Attended CHB: 9 Godly Parent: Aphrodite Which Side You're On: Athena Pic: [img][/img] Appearance Description: Six feet of pure beauty that all the ladies dig. Light,Brown, wavy, luscious hair that smells greater than you can imagine. A body that can sway and move in any direction. A body so irresistible you can’t look away. For some reason he always has a Rose with him. Dresses classy, for the ladies. Super attractive. He is absolutely suave. Leon’s clothes, hair, and smell is always top notch. Skills: He is a great kisser, he knows every single way to kiss a person. If he were to run out of ways, he would make one up. He speaks fluent French, the language of love, and it’s really impressive. Despite his mind constantly being in the love zone, he is actually pretty smart. He loves reading, and is actually pretty good with computers. He can make even the dirtiest and least fashionable people look FABULOUS Powers: Can make two of his enemies attracted in each other. Can also attract one person to an object, person, or animal. Personality: He is overall a kind, considerate, and fun guy to be around. He is very caring and passionate. But if are into the bad boy he’ll put on the shades and deepen the voice and you’ll get Leo who’s a badass. But most of the time that never happens. History: Leon grew up in Orlando, Florida with his best friend Blake Underwood. They grew up together until playing, going to the beach, trying to pick up chicks, and listening to Blake’s awesome music. Week after week, day after day, month after month, Blake and Leon would hang out and they would never stop smiling. Until one day Leon’s dad told him that he need to stay at a place called Camp Half-Blood. Leon didn’t know how to break the news to Blake. So he just told him that he had to go to a camp and that he didn’t know when he would be back.The next day Leon and his dad left for the camp. His father explained that they had to flee to this safe haven for Demigods. Leon was confused. He was not the son of a god. Although he had never met his mom before he knew it could not be a god. His dad tried to explain it to the best of his ability that he was that Leon was the son of Aphrodite. Leon, scared but willing to accept this knowledge, nodded his head and asked what happens now. His father told him that he is going to drop him off in a Demigod only camp and then disappear off the map. His father then handed Leon a pager (The lamest of all technology), and said this is the only way you will be able to contact me. They pulled up to Camp Half-Blood and Leon got out and hugged and kissed his father good bye for the last time. Cut to Present day with Blake by his side once again, he is as happy as can be, and of course he still pages his father.