Mm. "Eh, ta szkoła jest dziwne." Illa said to herself. She was right. Not only it being a school with no males, which was strange to begin with, the security guard, all of the Japanese writing everywhere; this wasn't Poland. That's no good. Illa felt out of her comfort zone. Her close friends, her old teachers, her old language, hell, people who were Polish; gone in the blink of an eye and the snap of a fat Japanese business man's finger, never to be seen again. That's no good. What was Illa to do now? She didn't see a chance to perform and do what she normally does, which is what she put most of her time in, and now it all feels wasted. That's no good. After suffering through her thoughts breaking herself down and making her realize how bad it would be here for her during the little opening ceremony whatever it was, she thought it good to head for her dorm. Illa struggled making herself to where the dorms even were; bad start to a bad year, I suppose. She knew so little of the language, and the only part of the culture she knew about was the plays and old folk languages, as she read about it in her pastime. When she got there, which took quite a while, she was able to find her dorm, mainly because it said "Illa Wronski & Hitomi Kibiyashi." She didn't know who Hitomi was at all, but at least the dorm was hers. After she got in and set her things onto her bed, she head out to find homeroom. Where was the homeroom? What is the homeroom? Oh. Oh no. This is bad.