1.Name Carter Schmidt 2.Age 44 3.Gender Male 4.physical appearance [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5ht8l3Fvp1r9khx4o1_1280.jpg[/img] 5.Weapons M9 Beretta Entrenching tool HK MP-5 6.Gear: Interceptor body armor with plates removed and several areas torn to reveal the kevlar under the outer layer. (Standard issue armor) Gas mask Assault pack (Backpack with small straps on it for various attachable pouches. His has nothing on it.) Three MREs (food for three days) Small reel of paracord 7.Personality Carter is a friendly man, though very quiet. Usually quick with a bit of advice or encouragement. Though if someone disobeyed a command, or did something they shouldn't have, he'd chew their asses off. Whether they were under his command or not. The lives of his men always outweighed the importance of a mission, and Carter himself has gone back for a few men when nobody in his squad would follow. This sort of activity has almost gotten him killed multiple times in the last few months, though he doesn't regret any of it. When it comes to any sort of confrontation, Colonel Schmidt thinks very defensively. Creating distractions or ambushes on small squads before ambushing the reinforcements, he likes to let the enemy come to him and does his best to plan out every step. 8.Background story. As a teenager born and raised in union city, Carter did drugs, barely passed highschool due to laziness, and was generally a waste of space. When he graduated, he spent a long time reflecting on himself having realized he'd allowed himself to become a burden to society. So the young man resolved to improve himself. He didn't want to be a burden, or a disappointment to his parents who quite often voiced their complaints about his behaviour. So... He joined the military at the age of nineteen and quickly found that he thrived in the highly structured lifestyle it provided. With new vigor and ambition, he took advantage of the schooling opportunities the military provided and earned a master's degree in psychology before attempting officer's candidate school. After graduating at the top of his class, the newly promoted 2nd lieutenant soon applied for special forces selection, and while he wasn't even close to the top of the school for SF, he made it through. After a few tours of duty, he finally used his collected leave time and took some time off to see his home and parents once again. During this time he met a woman, Amanda, and after several months of courting, the two were married with just enough time for their honeymoon before Carter returned to duty. Many years later when Carter had acquired the rank of colonel, not having done field work for several years since he was a captain, the outbreak happened. He pleaded with the generals to be sent to union city, and with his record of success was easily granted command over some of the many extermination squads intended to kill off the undead population before it could spread further. However, once there, he saw for himself the brutality and force of the undead hordes. While he could see for himself there would be no way to exterminate the undead with squads of assault forces, the man steeled himself for the mission. His tactics generally involved easily defendable positions, allowing the zombies to come to his men with a helicpter planned for their extraction. The higher ups didn't like this however, they demanded more aggressive means of thinning the herd, and despite Colonel Schmidt's arguments he was designated as one of the officers to defend the stadium. Though disappointed with his reassignment, and the worry he had for the teams now under new command, in the end he couldn't have been happier with the result. A tearful reunion with his wife and sixteen year old son he'd thought dead since they'd lost communication several weeks before. The colonel was separated with his family once more when the stadium was overtaken, though even as he looks for a way out knowing it's what needs to be done... He can't resist a detour, hoping to find his wife and strong young son. (I hope colonel isn't stretching too far as far as rank goes! If it helps any, he knows that rank doesn't exactly matter after the armed forces have been nearly destroyed.)