[center][img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/25/1500x831_5979_Endless_Streets_2d_sci_fi_cyberpunk_city_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img][/center] The Undercity. Over a million people crammed together in far too little space, a sky made of concrete and massive spotlights, and buildings crowded so close together they might as well be conjoined. There was no sun here, so “time” was a concept that barely registered. Of course there were clocks hooked up to the surface time but who cared about those, save for organizing meetings? The only things that kept to a schedule were monorails that ran throughout the jungle of steel, concrete, plastic, and neon lighting. But like it or not, this place is home. Home to over a million, all with their own lives, their own stories of trying to survive in this underground nightmare of a city. And this story, is the story of our lives. [center][h2]Next GM post in 4 rounds[/h2][/center]