Rufus had scoffed at the berating of Wonderboy by Ravager. He thought of the Demigod to be unprofessional, not just because he was naked, but his entire demeanor screamed 'I try hard to make it seem like I don't care' to Rufus. The Speedster stayed behind when the rest got into the T-Wing, looking at Rose before they departed. "Ma'm, we're going against Lobo, and I'mma need full power, so I'll meet you at the location." Rufus told Rose, whom agree'd and told him to be on his way, calling it a race. Rufus scoffed at the idea. No machine could keep up. Running approximately 6,7 miles away from the location where the T-wing would land, Rufus prepared. He had pushed himself while running to generate as much power as possible. Using the communication links he had heard what Rose's orders were, he was to take on Lobo with Bravo Team. Patching into the cameras on the outside of the T-Wing Accelerate got a clear image of the intergalactic bounty hunter. He arrived at his destination, a hill where he would have a clear path down to Chinatown. It was perfect, and the exact distance he needed to hit max speed. "Roger. Kryptokid, I'm going to need you to hold him real still. It's hard to turn at mach 2." Rufus said, feeling the tingling in every inch of his body as the black and yellow sparks danced on the outskirts of the skintight suit. Taking a breath he felt the energy surge inside of him. "Right. Let's go." He said to himself, feeling as his legs pushed off the ground and the world slow down around him. Speeding down the street he could see people in ultrarapid, passing a hummingbird that seemed to stand still, dashing through San Francisco he saw a stroller slide down the street into ongoing traffic, him stopping it safely by giving it a appropriate push in the other direction. As he reached mach 2, he felt how the rules of physics became more like suggestions, he no longer felt as if he had any weight on him, like he could just as well have been flying. The supersonic boom created from him breaking the sound barrier turned on every car alarm in a four block radius. With 2 miles left he had to get ready. Withing a blink of anyone else's eye he found himself upon China town, his calculations had been precise, Lobo was facing away from where Rufus would be hitting him from. The lasers from the very ticked off Kryptonian keeping him occupied. Rufus came up behind Lobo like a shade, skidding to a halt, channeling the kinetic energy from breaking his speed into his leg, he delivered a devastating kick to the back of the main man's knee, leaving a opening for the Kryptonian to hit him. After his foot had hit Lobo's leg, Accelerate skidded backwards from the recoil, his powers mitigating the damage the recoil did into momentum that gained some distance between the speedster and the by now, pissed off intergalactic bounty hunter.