Gunnar yawned as he stood up, he hadn't been sleeping so well in a while. He rubbed his eyes and scanned the cave, looking for WunWun but he wasn't there. Gunnar assumed he was outside looking for breakfast. Suddenly Gunnar felt his stomach grumble, ''WunWun better arrive with some food'' he thought to himself. He slowly walked out the gave, the weather was beautiful but the sun was too bright for him. Gunnar rose his hand, trying to form a cover from the sun. He then set his way to gather some firewood. Gathering wood in a nearby forest Gunnar notices the birds singing, he felt in the mood to whistle along. As he gathered handful of sticks and then made his way back into the gave where he set up the fire. He sat down by the fire, opened his backpack and took out a small bottle of booze he had brewed the other night. He gazed at the fire as he briefly sipped the booze waiting for WunWun to arrive.