[color=aba000]"We gon' fight a big foe, huh?"[/color] Rhea remarked, sitting passively on one of the benches. Her eyes were closed in contemplation, her thoughts wandering over to the kryptonian's outburst against the Amazon. For one, he shrilled higher than a teapot and, for another, as the song goes: 'when the water's boiling, hear me shout...'. Well, there we go: Teapot. While they dared to call themselves 'Teen Titans', more or less, each of them knows that they were far from the idea of being friends. Heck, Rhea doubted they were even acquaintances! Aside from the usual grunts and nods as greetings as they passed each other in the hallways, they, as a single cohesive unit, never shared a conversation longer than it took Teapot to hold his temper. If there's one solid thing about them, who only knew each other for a few weeks or so, it was the fact that they were not friends. The remainder of the team had already gotten aboard the vessel and Rhea wasted no time in staring at them. Now, Pistolera was a tough gal to boot. First impressions sometimes define a lot of things and when Rhea's eyes glided over to the vixen who smoked better than a belching ten-wheeler truck, she knew that Smoker was the archetype of 'fuck with me and you're fucked' kind of persona. Her glares were daggers and her visage drove chills down Rhea's spine. Well, it could only be the smoke... Still, her lungs might be as mutilated as a cuttlefish for dinner and while Rhea would be more than happy to help heal that organ by regenerating her cells, the healer's lack of training might cause disastrous results. The next one to come to her attention was Majay... or Magi... Rhea does not know how to pronounce his name. He was a peculiar lad but they never really talked much aside from nods and hums. Well, for old time's sake and for convenience, she'd probably call him Hatman; yep, that is easier. The next one to arrive was Thermo, but, screw that, she'd call him Thermos since he was both hot and cold from time to time-- much like Rhea's love life. Finally, the tardiest titan alive had arrived... Whirlpool. Personally, Rhea had no qualms with her. She might be as arrogant as a beaver with a dam but she knew how to 'feel' the emotions of others. Still, Whirlie really needs to get her alarm clock in check. Rhea's thoughts were interrupted as a hologram of their target was shown. Okay, for someone who was deemed as a 'big criminal and threat', he wasn't all that intimidating. But, hey, perhaps she has just gotten use to Batty's appearance that anything weird was already normal. [color=aba000]"Just 'cus somethin's big don't mean dat dey ar' effective."[/color] her lips echoed out the words as her eyes shot a glance at Mini-Package. Much to Rhea's disappointment, her eyes lingered on him longer than she would have wanted it to. But, then again, it was probably normal for her to succumb to such fascinations with [i]his[/i] death. That was a big mistake. Instantly, the depression took its place as Rhea's eyes dropped to the floor, her fingers fiddling with each other as if reliving the moments were his life slipped through her hands. [color=aba000]"Funny."[/color] --- Finally, they had arrived! It was about time because Rhea was near to tears with the onslaught of her shadows. Their commander, Rose, needn't give Rhea her orders because it was pretty much the same every-freaking-time. As the others began to dash out of the vessel and play, Rhea nimbly dropped to the floor with a sigh as her eyes began scanning for any civilians. [color=aba000]"I be takin' care of dis civilians. I'll be leadin' dem out."[/color] she stated her resolve to her 'partner-in-support', Zane, and made a dash to the remaining individuals. As the restaurant was reduced to a laser circus, Rhea did her best to cater to the needs of civilians who were paralysed with fear and shock. With their heads down, Rhea and the line of civilians rushed towards the exit-- which wasn't hard to find since there was literally a blasted hole in the wall. However, due to the ongoing orchestra of bloodlust and violence, a child was injured with flying debris, falling to the ground pathetically as Rhea held the child in her arms. The child was bawling his eyes out, snot dribbling voraciously from his snout. In other scenarios, Rhea would have just thrown the child outside but on this occasion... well, she didn't want another stroke up on her chalkboard. The boy screamed his lungs out as Rhea took the child in her slender arms, her pale fingers softly floated upon the child's swollen lips and pressed gently on them to silence his shouts. [color=aba000]"Shh, shh."[/color] Rhea caressed the child's cheek, noticing that there was a nasty wound on the boy's leg. [color=aba000]"You trust lil'o me, aight?"[/color] she gently smiled, placing her lips on the child's forehead whilst her fingers did away with the sullen tears of the injured lad. After a few minutes, the leg had been healed without the child noticing. [color=aba000]"Go, run, lad."[/color] Rhea ushered the child out to his parents before returning to the concerto. She noticed Teapot delivering commands, noting how enraged he was. [color=aba000]"Boys." [/color] Rhea sighed with much exasperation. [color=aba000]"I'd rather dat dis concerto be finis' soon. No blood, please."[/color] Rhea mumbled to herself, observing the fight whilst fighting to ignore the trail of blood that had stained her robe due to the child's injury. Her eyes observed Teapot battling Lobo to the death, noticing how good he had chained his attacks that left little opportunity for the hunter to counter. As if that wasn't enough, Tulip had reappeared behind Lobo, sending a shattering kick that had a recoil to boot. This place was not going to last any longer with these brutes and their sky-high testosterone eating the place away. [color=aba000]"There be no civies 'ere. Go wild."[/color] Rhea smirked as she stepped to the sidelines, ready to assist whenever. If victory in this fight is not assured, one thing was: this restaurant ain't going to be standing. Oh, and they won't be able to get a chinese go-to box. So much for that idea.