Sinthe's questions suddenly didn't matter, he turned towards the woman that was saved by Tastumi and the others, when she slapped him, Sinthe was puzzled by her actions, the woman didn't reward his actions of saving her. The woman then went over to a well that seemed like it should have been bone dry, and dove into it head first and it wasn't long before they heard a splash and bones cracking, Sinthe crossed his arms and got a slight headache and had a feeling like he's seen worse before again, Sinthe then saw Tastumi run off and was about to go and talk to him as he ran down the alley way between the tavern and another building. Sinthe then was reminded by Akemi that they should finish what they started earlier, she ran a clawed hand up Sinthe's arm and put another onto his chest, she then grabbed him by his shoulder and pulled him closer to her with crazy strength and wanted him to be with her before she got crazy about how he smelled, Sinthe didn't fight against her. He felt like Tastumi would feel better over time and he could help him by giving him a pep talk later if he was still feeling sad about woman killing herself, Sinthe didn't feel sad for her taking her life and felt like either way she'd die and this would probably would've been a cleaner death. When the tall white haired man went inside and did as Akemi said, he went up to the woman's room and saw the large amount of origami papers around the room Sinthe did his best to not step on any that was on the floor, he soon picked one up in his bandaged hands, it was a paper crane and it reminded him of someone he knew he put the crane on one of the dressers and sat down on the bed avoiding stepping on the paper creates the best he could so the fox woman Akemi wouldn't get crazier with him. [@KoL] [@Diggerton]