Grace fidgeted slightly at the question, casting her gaze down to her feet. “I just… I don’t… being aggressive and confrontational isn’t really in my nature.” She said meekly, knowing it was a poor excuse. “I’m aware water can do all that… and I have practiced some of that stuff… I can freeze water and if I concentrate I can boil it… but only in small amounts.” The reality of the situation was that Grace just didn’t practice with her powers a lot. Her experiences with them hadn't been exceptionally positive so she tended to associate her powers with something bad. She was sure she would get over the mentality eventually, but it was going to take time. That and she supposed she’d never seen herself as the ‘limitless potential’ type of person. Kyle seemed to think so. But Kyle was also a lot more confident than she was. “I guess… as far as bodies of water go I’m a little stream.” She tried to explain. It would take a lot of rain to make her into a rushing river with any kind of real power. Then again if anyone could do it, it was probably Kyle.