Reposting my stuff here [hider=My App] [hider=The Scythian] Name: Ursula of Scythia (also simply called The Scythian) Appearance: [img][/img] Bio: Ursula belongs to the warrior caste (Kshatriya) of the Iranian speaking Scythians, a race of horse riding warrior people native to the vast northern steppes of their world. For as long as any scythian can remember, their people have been devoted to fighting off and sealing away evil creatures of darkness. The Scythians refer to them as Masses, but most outside their universe would recognize these dark beings as Heartless. Ursula lost her father and many a tribesman to these beings, and she has a great deal of healthy hatred towards them. Originally she was tracking down a particularly powerful one, the Gogolothic Mass, and traced the being to the Caucasian Mountains, where it lurked beneath the sacred mountain of Mingi Taw. The Scythian fought her way to obtain the means to defeat the creature, sparing no enemy that got in her way. Ultimatly, she defeated the creature, but nearly lost her life in the process. Before the power of the Trigon Trifecta and the Sworcery of the Megatome killed her, she was saved and returned to health via the moogles. It was around this time of recovery that the Scythian encountered a brutish bear known only as The Grizzled Boor. Upon tracking down and defeating the Boor in battle, the Scythian was given a key to a place of great power if she would spare his life. Both made good on their promises, and the Boor showed her the Moon Grotto. Through meditation in this place, the Scythian got stronger and healed faster; in addition, this was the time that her keyblade first manifested, the Luna Sarmatiae. Upon being informed of what it was she had been gifted with and now aware of her enemy's true nature, she is ready to live up to her tribe's purpose and destroy the Heartless once and for all. Age: Being a member of a group of Iron Age nomads and being a prominent member of their warrior caste going out on her first missions, id posit Ursula's age at 16. She is over halfway done with her life according to the life expentancies of her time. Skills: As a member of the Scythian Kshatriya, Ursula has been trained in the arts of war. She is extremely skilled in the area of swordfighting and horseback archery. She also is able to survive in the wilderness by foraging and raiding others for supplies, a standard Scythian tactic. Ursula also appears to be able to read, something uncommon in her culture. Ursula also has a natural affinity for something called Sworcery, a form of magic, but one that the nomad warrior has not trained it beyond simply telepathy and telekinesis. Personality: As a Kshatriya, Ursula grew up with wealth, well, as much wealth as a nomad can have. As such, it has made her a bit arrogant, manifested in her use of We as her first person pronoun, and her headstong warrior attitude. Ursula also has a cultural dislike of rainbows, as Scythians associate them with Masses. This may not be true, but the Scythian would rather not take her chances. She also doesnt like Sheep. No real reason why. [/hider] World Sheet Name: The Dream World Summary of History: The dream world actually has two parts. Part A is a relatively normal earth in the Iron Age. The major difference being the lack of any large settlements, which would be targeted by Masses/Heartless. Most people inhabit little cottages and farm what they need to live or live as nomads. Part B is an Esoteric World that exists between the fabric of world A. Part B is a hazy purple clone of Part A, in a eternal night with the moon featured promenantly. The only way to reach this world is to fall asleep in Part A, but be warned. If your A body is killed, or you are killed in Part B, you die in both worlds. As such, it is only recomended to sleep in a safe location in both worlds, like ones cabin or amongst a tribal lookout. Part B is free of masses, and as such it has more sprawling metropoli and brighter lights in the forests. It is in many ways a happy alternative to the bleak real world. Important Nations: Scythia, Cimmeria, Assyria, Babylon, Caucasia, Mingi Taw Overall Technology Level: Iron Age earth level technology. [/hider]