Really heavy WIP Started it but I have something urgent to attend to. Will finish tomorrow. EDIT: Still working on it. Terribly sorry for the delay but things are slightly hectic at the moment. [hider=Lilliana Pinelli][center][h2][color=PeachPuff]Lilliana Pinelli[/color][/h2][h3]The Woman of Pleasure[/h3] [img][/img] [color=PeachPuff][b]Character Theme[/b][/color] - [url=]Rhiannon[/url][/center] [b]General Information[/b][hr] [u][color=PeachPuff]Full Name[/color][/u]: [i]Lilliana Pinelli[/i] [u][color=PeachPuff]Title[/color][/u]: [i]The Woman of Pleasure[/i] [u][color=PeachPuff]Gender[/color][/u]: [i]Female[/i] [u][color=PeachPuff]Age[/color][/u]: [i]38[/i] [u][color=PeachPuff]Build[/color][/u]: [i]Tall with a pear shaped body. Not a fighter, but she is far from frail. Mothers are tougher than they look.[/i] [u][color=PeachPuff]Appearance[/color][/u]: [i]A loving housewife in appearance. She keeps a simple elegance about her appearance with make up and jewelry passed down from her own mother. Mostly wears silk dresses and lace, never really dressing casually. She was taught to believe that a woman who doesn't present themselves as such would surely be shamed wherever they went. As of recently, she tends to dress in black mostly to signify her status as a mourning widow.[/i] [b]Background[/b][hr] [u][color=PeachPuff]Psychological status[/color][/u]: [i]Relatively stable. Still in mourning for her husband. Insomniac. Burdened by guilt and shamed by those who know of the sins she has committed.[/i] [u][color=PeachPuff]Quirks, ticks, conditions, sensitivities to the paranormal[/color][/u]: [i]Since the death of her husband, Lilliana has been able to hear the inhuman uttering of the Old One in her nightmares. She is incapable of understanding them, nor does she fully realise what is happening. In truth, she has simply labelled these "visions" as just nightmares. As of recently, they have become frighteningly frequent. In fear of being sent to the sanitarium, she has not informed anyone of her nightmares.[/i] [u][color=PeachPuff]Magical potential[/color][/u]: [i]As a result of her unexplained connection to the Old Ones, Lilliana has very high, latent magical potential.[/i] [u][color=PeachPuff]Personality[/color][/u]: [i]Lilliana was once a proud woman; a role model for aspiring housewives and young ladies of the sort. She was kind and respectful to those around her, yet fierce and independent when need be. Her love towards her husband was only shadowed by her love for her children. It was this love that was her downfall. After she committed an unspeakable act for the sake of her family, all the respect she had built up in her town had shattered. No longer was she a proud role model. Now she is a quiet, miserable woman who is just trying to get through the days. The only thing that keeps her sane are her children, and she constantly puts on a brave face for their sake despite the recent loss of her husband. She is ridden with guilt and grief over what she has done, but takes solace in the fact that it was for the sake of her children.[/i] [u][color=PeachPuff]Hometown[/color][/u]: [i]Roccamandolfi, Italy[/i] [u][color=PeachPuff]Education[/color][/u]: [i]Highschool Education. Experience in business administration.[/i] [u][color=PeachPuff]Occupation[/color][/u]: [i]Former housewife. Former prostitute. Currently employed as a secretary for a law firm in Arkham.[/i] [u][color=PeachPuff]Achievements[/color][/u]: [i]Completed highschool. Gave birth to two beautiful boys.[/i] [u][color=PeachPuff]Sexuality[/color][/u]: [i]Heterosexual[/i] [u][color=PeachPuff]Religion/philosophy[/color][/u]: [i]Catholic[/i] [u][color=PeachPuff]Marital status[/color][/u]: [i]Widowed[/i] [u][color=PeachPuff]Family status[/color][/u]: [i]Deceased husband - Giovanni Pinelli, Eldest son (18 years) - Giovanni (Johnny) Pinelli II, Youngest son (15 years) - Dominic Pinelli[/i] Biographical writeup: (Whatever you like, but include either why they came to Arkham or, if a resident, their history there.) Miscellaneous information Combative belongings: (Please don't begin the RP packing an armory with you - more can be acquired later.) Noncombative belongings: (Keys to a storage closet at the university? A pet rock?) Other information (optional):[/hider]