[quote=@poog the pig] 'Course, but it's not like I introduced this [color=red]C[/color][color=yellow]O[/color][color=green]L[/color][color=blue]O[/color][color=orange]R[/color][color=purple]F[/color][color=yellow]U[/color][color=red]L[/color] cast of characters for people to not stay with them, however. I'm not mad or anything, I just don't want everyone suddenly getting the idea to boot out old people and squat in their homes. [/quote] It's a tactical decision. I'm not just copying Waver, I swear xP Also, how big are these towns? I was under the impression they were these tiny little hamlets, like Skyrim-sized. Am I wrong? Because if they're not Fuyuki-sized, I'm kinda wondering how everyone is supposed to stay in the same one or two towns without immediately killing each other from the word "go", considering there are really only two options for food and shelter.