[quote=@Skallagrim] Why do I have to change? Why don't people get out of their comfort zones and develop their characters or their skills? [/quote] Well, that's like saying 'Aww man why isn't my melon-pie selling when all these other guys around me are selling apple-pie so easily, screw making apple-pie all you paying customers should just decide you like melon-pie.' Alright, crap analogy, but regardless. Sure, they could be reckless and eat the melon pie and maybe they'll like it, but I suspect most would prefer the apple pie, and the majority of people play it safe with their money and just buy the apple pie. I'm not sure where I'm going with the pie analogies, I'm very ill at the moment. Also, it's worth pointing out that despite how active the leader-boards look, most people don't actually have any fights going on. Inactivity is probably the biggest reason why some people don't have any fights to compete in.