[quote=@poog the pig] I mostly added it as a social experiment of sorts, if Masters actually did take shelter together out of desperation for food and rest, and depending on where things go when the Masters aren't out fighting; they could actually interact with, and see their opposition as people. When a Master expires, the void of the [i]person[/i] that was there before would leave one wondering about the ethics of this whole conflict, and if human life really is worth something as petty as a single wish. It's mostly meant to make it harder for you to kill, say, Mesman, or any other participant in the war. [/quote] I think you're severely underestimating the level of stupid evil most Nasuverse mages are willing to stoop to in the name of SCIENCE! I mean MAGECRAFT! Expecting them to feel remorse or hesitation about killing someone standing in the way of their goal is about as likely as Tokiomi growing a few new brain cells or Kayneth suddenly having a conscience.